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18 Beauty And Fashion Inventions From Movies You Wish Existed

Cher's closet, anyone?

1. This downright amazing Chanel insta-eye makeup device from The Fifth Element.

2. Cher's computerized closet in Clueless.

3. The magic hair color-changing spell from The Craft.

4. Ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz.

5. Polyjuice potion from Harry Potter.

6. A fashion-friendly fairy godmother, like Cinderella's.

7. This super neat nail polish changing box from The Fifth Element.

8. Or, this polish-changing pen from Total Recall.

9. A haircut from Edward Scissorhands.

10. Glass slippers from Cinderella.

11. Katniss' fire dress in The Hunger Games.

12. Nimble animals that can execute perfect braids like in Pocahontas.

13. The Emerald City salon from The Wizard of Oz.

14. Basically all the beauty tricks residents of the Capitol know in The Hunger Games.

They do seemingly impossible things with their makeup, and their hair is a different color everyday. Might look crazy, but it sure would be fun.

15. The invisibility cloak in Harry Potter.

16. Wings crafted by the great Leonardo da Vinci in Ever After.

17. Tinkerbell's fairy dust in Peter Pan.

18. And finally, Marty's blow drying jacket in Back to the Future.