The Coffee At Luke's Diner On "Gilmore Girls" Is Actually Tim Hortons


    Lorelai has been raving about the coffee at Luke's Diner since literally the first episode of Gilmore Girls.

    And in the first episode of the Netflix revival, "Winter," we finally learn his secret. Do you see it?

    Do you see it now?

    That's right.


    Specifically, it appears to be a 1lb ~value~ size bag of original blend ground coffee. Which sounds like something Luke would buy, tbh.

    And it's not just a prop. In the "Fall" episode, Luke can actually be seen making a fresh batch of coffee with the bag.

    Is Luke secretly Canadian? Was the show giving a nod to Canada, where the pilot episode was filmed? Is there a Canadian troll in the props department?

    h/t to HG_Watson on Twitter.