26 Edmonton Oilers Fans Who Went Way Overboard In The Best Way

    Crushed it.

    1. These "refs" with coke bottle glasses.

    2. This dentist offering up an Oilers dental crown.

    Ultimate Oilers fan & need a dental crown? Follow us & RT this tweet for a chance to win you're very own Oilers den… https://t.co/8itbG0NVIr

    3. These guys who nerded out hard.

    2-0 #Oilers. Our boys made a hell of a statement....and so does this sign. @CISNCountry @630ched @925freshradio… https://t.co/mkFzytmivo

    4. This optometrist offering free eye exams for NHL refs.

    Local sign after recent events in the Oilers / Ducks series. I can imagine the number of laughs generated.

    5. This one, too.

    Love this sign! Hopefully the refs and linesmen took them up on their offer #OILERS

    6. These people who are actual heroes.

    Not all heroes wear capes. -bm #MISSION17

    7. These people who went all out on their front lawn.

    Here's our front yard display. Let's go Oilers!! @ryanjespersen

    8. This sign that is just perfection.

    9. You have some missed calls, refs.

    10. This vet who made a goddamn tiny adorable cast for a kitten omg.

    11. Though really anyone who managed to get a cat in clothing deserves applause.

    12. Like, how?

    13. Really, all the people who decked out their furry friends in Oilers gear are true fans.

    14. This kid with some badass hair.

    15. And this Oiler-ific ombré.

    To support our Oilers, our lovely client splashed Oiler colors to her beautiful locks. GO OILERS GO!!! #OILERS… https://t.co/AJNxhojW5v

    16. This man who took a cue from Don Cherry.

    17. This adorable DIY mani.

    18. These glittery wonders.

    19. Seriously this is impressive.

    20. These Oilers-hued shots that surely no one regretted the next day.

    21. Our lord and saviour.

    22. This shrine, including McJesus.

    23. This person who literally took their Oilers love to another level.

    24. This parade at Little Red River Cree Nation.

    25. This couple that marked their big day in a big way.

    26. And finally this little tot who doesn't know much, but knows that hockey is life.