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24 Truths Every Nurse Knows All Too Well

Nursing is a work of heart.

1. You know that making it through nursing school was equivalent to traveling around the nine circles of hell.

2. Because in nursing school, even when you're right...you're wrong.

3. And there's absolutely no way that you would have made it without knowing that everyone else was in the same boat as you.

4. Every day for you is a "multiple cups of coffee" kind of day.

5. Your scrub game is ON POINT... and you prove that you can still look fabulous rocking the equivalent of sweatpants every day.

6. And sometimes you end up going home in different scrubs than you began the shift with due to body fluids or god knows what else.

7. You have very specific wants and needs when it comes to intimacy and relationships.

8. And you know that no matter how rude patients are, they always come around when they need something.

9. During a night shift, you start to lose your mind around 3 a.m.

10. Nursing friendships are a bond that no one else could possibly understand unless you've been together cleaning up someone's poop.

11. People dress up like you for Halloween and you're like, "I don't have to dress up as a sexy nurse, I'm a sexy nurse everyday."

12. You have nightmares about bed alarms, call lights, and you can hear IV pumps in your sleep.

13. You have a unique sense of humor about your job.

14. You honestly deserve an award for how well you handle the stress of your everyday job.

15. You've considered adding "loads of experience dealing with ignorant people" on your resume.

16. You find yourself worried if your patient hasn't peed in eight hours, then you realize you haven't peed in 12.

17. You do not get paid enough for the literal shit that you deal with on a daily basis.

18. You have to wash your hands so much that you barely have any skin left.

19. A small part of you dies when you see all your friends exclaiming "TGIF" on Fridays because you work weekends.

20. It never fails that you get something in your eye as soon as you're gloved up.

21. No one really understands what you do on a daily basis, and sometimes you barely understand it yourself.

22. Almost nothing phases you at work anymore. Crazy patient? Check. Code blue? Got it.

23. Some people may make jokes about the fact that you clean up poop, but you also save people's lives on the REG.

24. And no matter how much shit you deal with on a daily basis, you love your job and wouldn’t change it for the world.