19 Times You Realized You Were Dating Target

    Cupid's arrow always hits the bull's-eye.

    1. When you spent your Friday and Saturday nights together.

    2. When you realized that you would never betray your Target by going to another store.

    3. When you look at your bank account and wonder where all the money went, then remember... Target.

    4. When you spent Thanksgiving together.

    5. When you hang out with them thinking it'll be a one-time thing and soon realize you're hooked for life.

    6. When you went to see Target, just because.

    7. When you went home after spending time together and couldn't stop thinking about them.

    8. When you had a really bad day, and knew seeing them would make you feel better.

    9. When you thought about them throughout the day and couldn't help but smile.

    10. When you take endless selfies with them just because.

    I think I might have achieved prime happiness..............I'm applying to work at target........ My second home...

    11. When you went on romantic coffee dates together to Starbucks.

    12. When you planned out your dinners together.

    13. When you ALWAYS went to visit Target before you left on a trip.

    Help the mini-trial/travel section at Target is so addicting. I just want to buy all the tiny things! SOS

    14. When you accumulated a lot of Target's stuff over the years.

    15. When no matter how much time you spent together, it was never enough.

    16. And you couldn't wait to be near them again.

    17. When you spent a romantic evening together over a bottle of wine.

    18. When you were constantly reminded of them, no matter where you went.

    I feel like a 5 year old on Christmas Eve behind Santa's Sleigh!! #ilovetarget #targetmakesmehappy

    19. And when you realized that not many things in life make you happier than spending time in Target.