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22 Things That Ruin Everyone's College Experience

I can't eat, but at least I have my books!

1. Having to purchase textbooks.

2. And then going the entire semester without even using ONE of the textbooks.

3. Trying to sell back your books only to be told there's a new edition and you can only get a dollar back.

4. 30+ year-old students in your class, trying to give you life advice.

5. Getting to class only to find out it was cancelled.

6. Any class that meets before noon.

7. Any college activity that doesn't include free shit of some sort.

8. Any day in the cafeteria when there isn't pizza to eat.

9. Professors who take attendance.

10. Professors who call on your when you CLEARLY don't have your hand raised.

11. Gen-Ed classes.

12. Slow walkers when you're running late to class.

13. And any couple who hogs the sidewalk with their PDA.

14. Anyone trying to talk to you between classes about their "student organization."

15. Anyone who sits in YOUR SEAT.

16. Professors who always assign homework over Spring Break.

17. FAFSA, in general.

18. Being sexiled from your room.

19. Students in class who have a question about literally everything.

20. Students who bring ENTIRE meals to class.

21. Professors who want to "see you after class."

22. And of course, graduating with crippling debt.