21 Pictures That Prove Teachers Deserve 1000% More Money

    "Shut up I'm about to teach math."

    1. This professor who's over it:

    2. This teacher who creates trust issues:

    3. This teacher who's always watching:

    4. This professor who administered a final in his pajamas to protest the school scheduling them at 7:30 a.m.

    5. This teacher who's just being honest:

    6. This teacher who has a master's degree in trolling:

    7. This teacher who's a pun master:

    8. This teacher who put their heart and soul into this recommendation letter:

    9. This teacher who photoshopped her dog onto a piece of art and framed it:

    10. This teacher who's discovered a valuable energy drink:

    11. This teacher who's basically evil:

    12. This teacher who's BUSY:

    13. This teacher who gets to the point:

    14. This teacher who has rules for a reason:

    15. This chemistry teacher who's just lookin' for a reason to make fire happen:

    16. This teacher who wears this hat and cape every time he does an experiment:

    17. This teacher who understands the importance of Halloween:

    18. This teacher who's up-to-date on their music references:

    19. This teacher who needed a day off:

    20. This teacher who writes random things when she's bored with grading:

    21. And finally, this teacher who takes no excuses: