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    47 Moments Every "Gilmore Girls" Fan Will Never Get Over

    "Will you just stand still?"

    1. When Rory showed Emily the first apartment she lived in with Lorelai and her grandmother was in shock.

    2. When Rory was finally ready to mourn her first real heartbreak.

    3. When Emily informed Richard that she "demands to go first."

    4. When Max had 1,000 yellow daisies delivered to Lorelai ("Not 1,001, not 999, but 1,000.") and proposed to her.

    5. When the Gilmores watched Lorelai graduate from college.

    6. When Rory broke her arm in a car accident, Lorelai slept in her room, and woke up in the middle of the night to find Christopher right next to her.

    7. When Christopher and Lorelai almost get together but he had to leave her because his girlfriend Sherry got pregnant.

    8. When Rory and Jess snuck away and had their very first kiss at Sookie's wedding.

    9. When Dean broke up with Rory in front of everyone at the Stars Hollow Dance Marathon.

    10. When Paris had her infamous break down on C-SPAN about not getting into Harvard.

    And leaned on Rory because she really needed someone.

    11. When all of Rory's hard work paid off and she found out she got "the big envelope" from Harvard.

    12. When Richard and Emily were over the moon happy about Rory deciding to go to Yale.

    13. When Jess left for California and didn't even say good-bye to Rory.

    14. When Jess got to California and tried to have a conversation about his future with his dad.

    15. When Rory used her valedictorian speech at graduation to thank her grandparents for their support.

    And they were moved to tears.

    Rory also thanked Lorelai for being the best mom in the world.

    And there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

    16. When Lorelai dropped Rory off at college but then came back right away because Rory was sad and homesick.

    17. When Lane missed her mother because they weren't speaking so she went into her house in the middle of the night to see her.

    18. When Jess showed up at Yale a year after he left town and asked Rory to run away with him.

    And, to no avail, confessed his undying love and affection for her.

    19. When Luke asked Lorelai to be his date to his sister's wedding and they had a great, romantic time together.

    20. When Luke and Lorelai had their first kiss at the dry run of the Dragonfly Inn.

    21. When Rory and Lorelai ran into Lindsey and her mom in the town square after Rory's affair with Dean.

    And the two of them exchanged this piercing, heartbreaking glance.

    22. When Luke and Lorelai went on their first date and Luke told her that he's "in...all in."

    23. When Rory goes to the Life and Death Brigade event and decided to take a risk.

    24. When Dean went to pick up Rory at her grandparents' house, felt out of place, and they broke up for good.

    25. When Richard and Emily renewed their vows after surviving their separation.

    26. When Luke broke up with Lorelai after her parents' vow renewal and Rory went home to comfort her.

    27. When Rory got drunk and cried about how she was upset that Logan didn't act like he liked her.

    28. When Rory interned for Mitchum Huntzberger at one of his newspapers and he told her she doesn't "got it."

    29. When Lorelai proposed to Luke without any planning or warning.

    30. When Jess visited Rory while she's living at her grandparents' and gave her a copy of his novel.

    And told her how important she was to his success.

    31. When Lorelai stayed up all night with her dog, Paul Anka, because she wanted to be a "good mom."

    But we all know who Lorelai was *really* talking about.

    32. When Lorelai and Rory reunited after Rory dropped out of Yale and they didn't talk for months.

    33. When Rory said good-bye to Logan before he left for London.

    34. When Luke found out that he had a 12-year-old daughter named April.

    35. When Rory visited Jess in Philadelphia and they finally got closure on their relationship.

    36. When Lorelai wrote a character reference for Luke to help him get custody of April, even though they were broken up.

    37. When Lorelai and Christopher ended things for good in an emotional breakup and she told him he's the man she "wants to want."

    38. When Lorelai sang "I Will Always Love You" at karaoke and initially meant it for Rory, but ended up directing her words to Luke.

    39. When Paris and Rory reminisced on their seven-year friendship at their Yale graduation.

    40. When Rory turned down Logan's marriage proposal on her graduation day from Yale and he left her forever.

    41. When Rory told her family that she got hired as a political reporter for an online magazine and said she couldn't believe it.

    And when Lorelai gently reminded her daughter that she totally deserved the job.

    And then when the Gilmores realized that was their last Friday night dinner for a while, so Lorelai and Rory stayed for after dinner drinks.

    42. When Luke stayed up all night to sew a big tent for Rory's going away party that he planned in the town square.

    43. When Richard complimented Lorelai on the life she built for herself in Stars Hollow.

    And gave her the accolades and approval she always wanted.

    44. When Emily and Richard told Rory how proud they were of her before she left for her first job on Barack Obama's campaign trail.

    45. When Lorelai learned that Luke single-handedly made Rory's going away party happen and they reunited with a romantic kiss.

    46. When Lorelai panicked about not having enough time left with her daughter, but Rory reassured her she'd be OK.

    47. When the last scene of Gilmore Girls showed Lorelai and Rory drinking a cup of coffee inside Luke's Diner with Luke in the background.

    Just like how the very first episode ended.