21 People Who Represent Canada Better Than Justin Bieber (And 1 Who Doesn’t)

    Because the Great White North has so much more to offer than “Bizzle.”

    1. William Shatner

    2. Michael J. Fox

    3. Ryan Gosling

    4. Ellen Page

    5. Drake

    6. Mike Myers

    This comedian is SO wonderfully proud of his Canadian heritage, he wore a Team Canada hockey jersey to Scottish fashion show “Dressed to Kilt.” Well played, sir.

    7. Alex Trebek

    8. Alanis Morissette

    9. Chris Hadfield

    10. Rick Moranis

    11. Cobie Smulders

    12. Alan Thicke

    13. Celine Dion

    14. Jim Carrey

    15. James Naismith

    16. Joni Mitchell

    17. Leonard Cohen

    18. Sandra Oh

    19. Jewel Staite

    Sure, you may recognize her from Firefly and Stargate Atlantis, but anyone who watched Nickelodeon in the ‘90s first fell in love with this Canadian actress in Space Cases. Catalina’s rainbow hairdo was EVERYTHING.

    20. The Kids in the Hall

    21. Team Canada

    22. Rob Ford