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15 Times Jimmy Woo Was The Best Part Of "WandaVision"

Nothing but respect for my favorite FBI agent.

As the first new MCU content we got since Avengers: Endgame in 2019, WandaVision was pretty much a cultural reset.

The best part was — in many people's rightful opinion — FBI Agent Jimmy Woo, played by the spectacular Randall Park.

Here are a few of the most ~iconic~ Jimmy Woo moments.

1. When he spilled his hopes and dreams for a future family to Darcy over a bag of chips.

he tells Darcy he wants to give his baby a tiny FBI badge

2. When he summed up the way we all felt during the first few episodes.

Jimmy asks Darcy about her theory that the universe created a sitcom starring two Avengers

3. When he brought the hammer down on Hayward and his evil plan.

Jimmy tells Hayward that his friends at Quantico will have an issue with his plan

4. When he called in a quick favor with his FBI buddies after some quick thinking to stop S.W.O.R.D.

he calls in a favor from Quantico real quick

5. When he finally mastered the card trick he started learning in Ant-Man and the Wasp.

6. When he made sure Darcy finally got the coffee she kept asking for.

he carried a trio of coffee cups to his friends

7. When his unique talent helped everybody's favorite trio escape the S.W.O.R.D. camp.

He's a whiz at hot-wiring cars

8. When he tried out a new catchphrase.

jeepers creepers

9. When he took a Captain America–approved approach to language.

Jimmy tries not to speak ill of people, but Darcy will do it for him

10. When he assured Monica she wasn't the only one following in the footsteps of her childhood hero.

he had a poster of FBI legend Eliot Ness on his wall growing up

11. When he showed us what true leadership looks like during the Westview cleanup.

Monica tells Jimmy that authority looks good on him

12. When he made Monica's safety his #1 priority as they tried to break into the Hex.

Jimmmy begs Monica not to go through the Hex again

13. When he was the only one who took Darcy's idea to reach Wanda through her radio seriously.

he tried to reach her through the radio

14. When he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and punch some bad guys.

Jimmy throws a punch at the SWORD agents

15. And when he informed Hayward he was exactly where he needed to be.

he says no one misses hm at Quantico because softball season's over

In conclusion:

the-chosen-half-of-one / Via the-chosen-half-of-one.tumblr.com

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