Here Are 11 "Shushed" Topics Moms Made The World Realize Are Still Very Wrong And Very Real This Year

    The world would crumble without moms.

    We have nearly made it through another year! And 2021 was a year FOR THE MOMS. Moms spoke out in all the best ways — shedding light on some changes that need to be made to better our society. Here are some of the most important topics that were talked about:

    1. A Minnesota mom who goes by Shug — as in sugar — shared the importance of having age-appropriate talks with her kids about their bodies and boundaries. She also went viral for her idea that parents should teach teens to use condoms while they masturbate so they get used to using protection.

    "Often, our unwillingness to explain bodies and biological processes like sex, self-exploration, and childbirth to children leaves them with the impression that bodies are mystifying or shameful. Our avoidance of the topics — 'I’ll tell you when you’re older,' 'We don’t talk about that stuff,' or 'That’s naughty' — shuts down conversation and makes it difficult for children to approach their caregivers about their bodies," she told BuzzFeed.

    You can read the full interview about Shug and her parenting here.

    2. A mom named Alicia broke the stigma around dentures by sharing herself with and without them after her pregnancies caused her to lose all of her teeth.

    BuzzFeed spoke to Alicia, who said, "During my pregnancy, my teeth rapidly began to decay — from the inside out. Both of my eye teeth broke off at the gum line a week or so apart from each other. I remember laying in my yard, feeling like my life was over. I would never be respected. I would never be pretty."

    You can read the full article with Alicia here.

    3. Mom of two Rachael Larson went viral for talking about how difficult maternity leave is, especially in the US.

    "As a majority income source for our family, I was forced to suck it up, put on a smile, and get back to work," Rachel told BuzzFeed after sharing that she knows she is privileged to even get 12 weeks off.

    You can read our interview with Rachael here.

    4. And Marissa Peirce is a mom who also raised awareness about working moms after she was struggling to decide how to word an email to her boss WHILE SHE WAS IN LABOR.


    labor is stressful, calling out is even more stressful #pregnancy #birth

    ♬ original sound - marissa
    Her video was filled with comments from other moms sharing the stories about how demanding their jobs were immediately after they gave birth, many of whom were expected to return immediately back to work with no maternity leave.

    You can read the full article here.

    5. Cayce LaCorte is raising her daughters to believe there is no such thing as virginity because "it's a patriarchal concept used to control women and serves no purpose."

    Cayce told BuzzFeed, "Purity culture is toxic at its core. Women are treated vastly different than men because its roots are steeped in a history of women being property. Can you imagine what the world would look like if society put half as much effort into making the world a safer place for women, instead of worrying that she’s not a virgin for her husband?"

    You can read the full article here.

    6. A mom and sex coach named Jasmine went viral for showing that talking about sex with your kids doesn't have to be awkward. She makes hilariously accurate videos answering questions to all things sex that her son asks her.

    "We need to teach our children about sex before the world teaches them wrong," Jasmine told BuzzFeed, adding, "My mom talked to us, which was uncommon back in the day. I really appreciated it, so I went a step further and prepared my children."

    You can see more of her videos and read her interview here.

    7. Chloe Sexton is a mom who recently called out how toxic "daddy privilege" is. (If you didn't know, it's when society praises and swoons over men when they do the basic tasks that are required to take care of their children, like changing a diaper.)


    It’s the daddy hero treatment for me 🙃

    ♬ original sound - Chloe
    Chloe shared a story about how over-the-top her husband was treated after he did her usual duties for the day — stuff that no one bats an eye for when she does it.

    You can read our interview with Chloe here.

    8. Dr. Pamela Mehta exposed how she was asked illegal questions — like "Do you plan on having children?" — during her job interview and spoke out against discrimination against moms in the workforce.


    My story in 48 seconds @wearfigs

    ♬ original sound - Sarah Cothran
    "Women are an important and necessary part of the workforce," said Dr. Mehta to BuzzFeed. "We need to make accommodations for women (and men) to take time to bond with their babies and heal after childbirth. People who have a life outside of their job are happier people at work."

    You can read our interview with her here.

    9. A mom named Victoria Snooks is speaking out about how moms can be discriminated against and shamed for by what they do for work. She was recently banned from volunteering at her kids' school because she has an OnlyFans account.

    10. Magnolia Printz is a board-certified anesthesiologist who also happens to be a mom. And, this year, she went viral after making a TikTok highlighting the ridiculous assumptions people make about her as a working mom, along with the passive-aggressive questions she gets asked.

    She gets asked things like, "Don't you want to be involved in your childrens' lives?" She told BuzzFeed, "To assume that I’m a terrible mother because of my career choice is ridiculous. Spending time with my children at home 24/7 is not my way of expressing my love. I am a better mom because of my career as an anesthesiologist. I am a better mom because I find fulfillment outside of my role as a mother."

    You can read the full interview with Dr. Printz here.

    11. And, lastly, this one encompasses several moms who are speaking out against the morning-after pill by sharing how they got pregnant after taking it. We spoke to a doctor who confirmed to us that the effectiveness of emergency contraception depends on multiple factors, many of which aren't known — including body weight.

    Phew, let's give a standing ovation to all of these moms — here's hoping some changes get made for the better in 2022!