17 Truths About Raising An Only Child

    "When are you going to have another?"

    1. You roll your eyes every time other parents talk about how easy having one kid must be.

    2. Still, you look at people with three or more kids like: "Wha? How? I don't..."

    3. You laugh because your kid has no idea how lucky they are that they only have to share the remote with you.

    4. You've lost count of many times your kid has asked for a sibling.

    5. You never have to worry about owning a minivan.

    6. Your kid's group of friends includes: your college roommate, the old lady down the street, your neighbor's dog...

    7. Your kid understands sarcasm as well as a 16-year-old.

    8. Your biggest fear about having another kid is that they won't be as awesome as your current kid.

    9. Other parents think it's cool to analyze and discuss your reproductive choices at length.

    10. One kid = only one set of extra curricular activities.

    11. Helping your kid with homework sucks, but at least you only have to help one kid.

    12. Your kid might be a picky eater because it's always been easy to make the foods they like.

    13. Remember sharing a room?

    14. Your kid doesn't realize how lucky they are because they never have to share your lap with anyone.

    15. You're sick of people trying to make you feel bad for only having one child.

    16. If there's a mess at home, you know who did it.

    17. And while there may not be any other kids in your home, you know yours will have special relationships with extended family.