We Sit At Work All Day, So We Tried A Bike Desk To See If It Helped Us Feel Better

    Every day I'm cyclin'.

    Hi! We're Krista, Mike, and Asia and WE. SIT. ALL. DAY. So, when we heard about a desk that allows you to cycle while you work, we knew we had to try it out. (Well, me and Asia did – Mike took some convincing.)

    The Flexispot Bike Desk is exactly what it sounds like – a compact bike desk on wheels. It allows you to work while you exercise. It can also be converted into a standing desk.

    We are going to be using the Nokia Heart Rate and Activity Watch to help us determine how healthy this bike actually makes us.

    According to Livestrong, a 150 pound person will burn 68 calories per hour while sitting. However, if you cycle – depending on the resistance and your body weight – you can burn a lot more calories. Livestrong says that a person weighing roughly 155 pounds will burn 520 calories if they are "moderately" cycling for one hour. So, just being on the bike for an hour at a decent resistance can really make a difference!

    The bikes are available at FlexiSpot or Amazon for $499 and the Nokia Heart Rate & Activity watches are available at Nokia or Amazon for $179.