17 Things That Are Too Damn Real If You Have Anxiety

    "Me: What could possibly go wrong today? Anxiety: I'm so glad you asked."

    1. This post that proves anxiety is actually just a high school debate champ:

    2. And this one that gently reminds us of all the horrible, terrible, totally-not-far-fetched ways we could die:

    Me: Goodnight. Brain: Pssst. Me: What? Brain: What disease do you think we have?

    3. This post that proves anxiety has all the answers:

    4. And this one that is just way too damn real:

    Maybe if I fall in love with my anxiety it will leave me too.

    5. This small request that would really make all the difference:

    As an anxious person, I wish life was like Family Feud. Mostly because I want ppl to yell, "good answer! good answer!" At everything I say.

    6. And this one for anyone who has said anything in public:

    me overthinking how I said "here" during attendance

    7. This one that shows the sweetest relief:

    8. This reminder that no task is too small for a full on panic:

    9. This meme that really sums up how some people just don't get it:

    10. And this one that shows the only crew you roll with:

    11. This post that shows your anxiety is rude as hell:

    12. And this post that shows how carefree you live your life:

    13. This tweet that shows how anxiety loves to remind you of all the dumb shit you did:

    me: today is going to be a good day anxiety:

    14. And this one that shows how all-encompassing it is:

    15. This post that will make you question everything:

    16. And this great counterpoint:

    17. Finally, this one that shows exactly how you feel pretty much every damn day:

    *feels anxiety acting up in public social situation* me: just act cool p: so, how are you?? me, sweating: tHanK… https://t.co/Yz44AFu1X2