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38 Toys All '90s Kids Desperately Wanted For Christmas

Let the nostalgia commence!

1. The Talkboy, to live out all your Home Alone dreams.

2. A huge life-sized Barbie to be your best friend, forever.

3. An Easy Bake Oven to channel your inner chef.

4. Chicken Limbo, which literally broke the second time you tried to use it.

5. L.A. Gears to light your way through the dark hallways at school.

6. Literally everyone wanted a Barbie Jeep...

7. Or a Power Wheels Jeep.

8. Tamagotchis, which were almost as good as getting a puppy.

9. A Gameboy Color, because everything really was that much better in color.

10. Gooey Gak, so you could have slime time at home.

11. Skip-It, to literally jump the entire day away.

12. This monstrous AFX Race Track, which gave serious Nascar vibes.

13. The Hot Wheels Car Wash to literally rust all your cars.

14. The Talking Family Dollhouse, because who didn't want a flock of talking dolls?!

15. An Etch-a-Sketch Animator, because you'd already played with the original.

16. A Super Soaker 50 to spray your entire family despite it being winter.

17. Creepy Crawlers, because who didn't want to bake insects?

18. A Fashion Wheel to plan and draw out all your favorite outfits.

19. That weird baby that ate and pooped, the Baby Alive.

20. Pound Puppies to take with you everywhere.

21. Trolls — because who didn't love brushing their hair and making wishes while rubbing their stomachs?

22. American Girl Dolls, so you could have a different one than all your friends.

23. A Hess Truck, because the best thing was carrying the smaller cars inside the big truck.

24. Moon shoes that your best friend broke when they jumped too hard in them.

25. Sky Dancers, which always flew somewhere they shouldn't have.

26. The Power Rangers Megazord that broke down into separate toys.

27. An African Princess Imani Doll to rule the planet.

28. A Stretch Armstrong doll, which everyone always tried to break by stretching it as far as they could.

29. A Lite-Brite — even though you'd regret it as soon as you stepped on one of the pegs with a bare foot.

30. A full-sized Star Wars Millennium Falcon so you could pretend Han Solo and Luke Skywalker were your best friends.

31. The Hot Wheels PC because look at that thing!

32. The satisfying squish of Floam.

33. Skateboard Shannen, because skateboarding shouldn't have a gender.

34. A Polly Pocket to live out out all your miniature homemaker dreams.

35. The Micro Machines: Super Van City was awesome. Because how did they fit all that shit in there?

36. The Poo-chi, whose eyes, flips, and cool colors made it a must-have.

37. An N64 because, duh!

38. And, finally, a Furby. Just look at those eyes!