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Tell Us Which Actor Was So Convincing, You Actually Believed They Were The Real Life Person They Were Portraying

I will never doubt Austin Butler's abilities again after Elvis.

One of my favorite movies of the year so far has been Elvis. While there's a lot to appreciate about the film, the main reason I loved it was because Austin Butler was just SO freaking good as Elvis Presley.

close up of Austin as Elvis

I feel like we've recently had a lot of great biopics, true crime shows, and dramatizations with amazing performances. So, I want to know: Which actor was so convincing, you actually believed they were the real life person they were portraying?

close up of a scene in a courtroom

Maybe you found Elle Fanning's performance as Michelle Carter in The Girl From Plainville especially haunting because of how believable she was.

close up of Elle in a courtroom

Perhaps you thought Will Smith was super convincing as Venus and Serena Williams' dad, Richard, in King Richard.

will as richard coaching a young serena

Or maybe you totally believed that Kristen Stewart really WAS Princess Diana in Spencer.

close up of Kristen as Diana

Tell us which actor's portrayal of a real person was incredibly convincing and WHY you loved their performance so much. Your response could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!