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15 Things You'll Understand If You Grew Up With A Filipino Family

God, I miss my family's lumpia.

1. First off, you have a million titos and titas and can hardly keep track of all of their names.

2. Likewise, you also have a million cousins. In fact, you keep meeting new ones.

5 year old me at the family party, wondering why I have so many cousins all of a sudden

3. Everyone always shows up two hours late.

rabbit from "Alice in Wonderland": "I'm late for a very important date"

4. Shoes are left at the door! Don't even think about it!

5. A meal is never served without rice, no matter what the main course is.

steaming white rice

6. One word: LUMPIA.

7. Your family looks for pretty much any excuse to all get together, whether it's a birthday or Groundhog Day.

family celebrating birthday

8. In fact, if you have a family party on the calendar, you have to tell your friends you can't hang out that entire day — because they literally last forever.

SpongeBob narrator: "Approximately 10 hours later"

9. Everyone has a nickname. In fact, you don't even know some of your relatives' real names.

10. You have to give your new significant other a brief overview of your entire family and prep them before you bring them to any gatherings.

extended family photo

11. Everyone says grace ridiculously fast so they can start eating ASAP.

Filipino food spread

12. The kitchen is always where all of the gossip is.

Kim Kardashian eavesdropping meme captioned "nine-year-old me listening to my tita talk about my cousin's new boyfriend"

13. There's always a sports game, a fighting match, or some old movie playing on the TV.

guy cheering at soccer match on TV

14. It takes forever to say goodbye to everyone because there are so many relatives.

15. And finally, everyone is already planning the next family party before you're even out of the driveway yet.

marking calendar

What are some things that always happen at your family parties? Tell us in the comments!

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