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I'm Genuinely Curious If You Think These 24 Wedding Requests Are Fine Or Obnoxious

Wedding drama is the juiciest drama.

Spring is upon us. You know what that means...it's almost wedding season!

Carl and Ellie from "Up" kissing at their wedding

Now, when it comes to wedding planning, there's obviously a LOT of decisions to make. Between the guest list, wedding party, venue, outfits, and food, there's so much to consider.

Nathan to Lucas from "One Tree Hill": "Whatever I said before Lindsey's wedding just go with that," Lucas: "God you suck at this"

From bridesmaid drama to ridiculous rules, I think we've all heard some wedding horror stories in some form or another. So I'm curious to know — do you think these wedding requests are reasonable or not? 👀

David from "Schitt's Creek": "You're wearing a wedding dress to MY wedding!" Alexis: "It's a white floor-length gown, it's very different"

What are some of the most ridiculous wedding requests you've encountered? Tell us in the comments!