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Tell Us A Moment From "Shrek" That Totally Went Over Your Head As A Kid

There are many to choose from.

If you're anything like me, you grew up absolutely loving all of the Shrek movies.

But once you got older, you realized 98% of these movies were honestly pretty dirty, and soooo many things went over your head when you watched them for the first time.

So that made me want to ask you, dear reader: What's the dirtiest moment from the Shrek movies?

Maybe you never realized in the first Shrek movie that Lord Farquaad was actually getting a boner when he first saw a picture of Fiona.

Or perhaps you never caught on in Shrek the Third that Fiona's dad's statue ended up kissing the horse's butt when she moved the hidden door.

Or maybe you never noticed in Shrek 2 that the Big Bad Wolf was actually reading the swimsuit issue of Pork Illustrated, with a pig in a bikini landing the cover.

Now it's your turn! Tell us a moment from the Shrek movies that totally went over your head as a kid, and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!