19 Mental Health Misconceptions From TV Shows/Movies I Find Unbelievably Frustrating

    Not all panic attacks go away when you breath into a paper bag.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the biggest misconceptions about mental health in TV shows/movies. Here's what they had to say:

    Note: Some of these submissions include topics of depression, death, and suicide.

    1. Everyone who goes to therapy is completely unhinged and dysfunctional.

    2. All psychiatric hospitals and institutions are vacant, scary places.

    3. If you're diagnosed with a mental illness, you stay in bed all day and don't do anything fulfilling.

    4. Anyone who has a panic attack is cured after breathing into a paper bag for a few seconds.

    5. Your best friends are a legitimate replacement for a therapist.

    6. Antidepressants immediately cure everything the second you start taking them.

    7. And people who need meds are considered "crazy," a word that's always used in a negative way.

    8. Anxiety consists of only one feeling, which is being nervous to the point where you scream and shake.

    9. Going to therapy is considered a weakness, even though it's a great thing thing that makes people stronger IRL.

    10. All therapists are chill hippies who light incense during sessions and wear funky jewelry.

    11. Only women can be depressed, and if they are, everyone just labels it as "sadness."

    12. Only white women have mental illnesses and are treated for them.

    13. Anyone who has Borderline Personality Disorder isn't considered human, and will do "ridiculously wild" things.

    14. Any teenager who is depressed is also suicidal.

    15. Therapy is an affordable tool everyone has at their disposal.

    16. Mentally ill teenagers are negative and only wear dark clothing.

    17. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is just a quirky personality trait, and whoever has it is only fixated on being clean and organized.

    18. Once you fall in love and start "feeling better," you're cured without having any setbacks — which just isn't true.

    19. And when you go to therapy for the first time, you stick with that therapist forever.

    Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. Other international suicide helplines can be found at befrienders.org. You can also text TALK to 741741 for free, anonymous 24/7 crisis support in the US from the Crisis Text Line.