25 Times "It's Always Sunny" Made You Laugh Uncontrollably

    Happy 11th Anniversary, It's Always Sunny!

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the funniest It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia moment in honor of the show's Season 11 premiere. Here are the brilliant results.

    1. When The Gang performs in Charlie's legendary play, The Nightman Cometh.

    2. And when Frank steals the show with the "Troll Toll" number.

    3. When Frank and Mac lose their beloved rum ham at the Jersey Shore.

    4. When Charlie brings a ziploc bag of spaghetti to the spa.

    5. When Dee mirrors the inflatable green man and proves she's the worst dancer in the world.

    6. When Charlie tries to figure out if Santa actually slept with his mom.

    7. When The Gang plays the most ridiculous drinking game, CharDee MacDennis.

    8. When Dennis and Dee totally cross the line and try to go on welfare.

    9. When Mac and Dennis help Charlie fill out a dating profile.

    10. When Frank shaves all of the hair off of his body.

    11. When Dee slowly turns into an ostrich while The Gang tries to figure out the father of her baby.

    12. When Dennis explains his bizarre dating strategy, The D.E.N.N.I.S. System.

    13. And when Frank tries to use it on a woman but fails miserably.

    14. When Charlie and Dee are convinced they're cannibals.

    15. When The Gang does the sloppiest dance to impress their peers at their high school reunion.

    16. When Mac and Dee take care of a dumpster baby.

    17. When Charlie shows off his special talents and creates kitten mittens.

    18. When The Gang totally breaks Dee and she tries to become a comedian.

    19. When Frank tries to deny that he pooped the bed.

    20. When Charlie screws with Mac's car brakes and proves he's the ultimate wildcard.

    —Sony Son, Facebook

    21. When Artemis totally blows it during her Sex and the City night with Dee and The Waitress.

    22. When The Gang rejects Gail the Snail's friendship by literally salting her.

    23. When Mac gains a shit-ton of weight but thinks he's actually bulking up.

    24. When The Gang participates in the legendary Flipadelphia tournament.

    25. And when Frank randomly emerges from the couch completely naked.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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