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    31 Products I Just Can’t Believe Somebody Thought Of

    Life goal: meet whoever invented a doorbell for dogs.

    1. Game-changing ceiling fan pulls, because apparently I'm not the only one who cannot for the life of me remember which cord controls the light and which controls the fan. Honestly, why don't they make all ceiling fans with these?!?

    2. A genius device that sticks right on your (or your kid's or pet's) pill bottle so you never have to doubt whether you took your medicine or not. Plus, they're reusable, so you can peel 'em off and stick on new bottles when you get a refill.

    Promising review: "Where has this been all my life? I love it. This is a lifesaver! I’ve been looking for something like this for years. I always forget 10 minutes later if I actually took my medicine or just put it down. I’ve tried so many different ways, making marks on the bottle, making stickers, and other pill containers. None ever work. And pill containers are so bulky when I only need one pill." —Niki

    Get a pack of five from Amazon for $19.99.

    3. An artful bumblebee stud and honey drip ear jacket set so unique, everyone will be ~buzzing~ about them. 

    gold bumblebee stud and ear jacket that goes around ear and looks like dripping honey, with front stud
    reviewer wearing both earrings in different piercings in one ear

    Promising review: "I love honeybees so much, they're my favorite! These earrings are the cutest! The honey side is a little tricky to put in because it’s two separate parts (stud and honey) but I eventually got it and absolutely love these! —Kindle Customer

    Get them from Amazon for $21.49+ (available in two colors).

    4. A waterproof notepad for recording all of your vitally important shower thoughts, because it's truly where your best ideas come from. Wait...do we think the person who came up with this came up with it...in the shower???

    A hand writing on the notepad suction cupped to the shower wall

    5. Sleep-saving LED light-blocking stickers to take the annoying lights on all your household gadgets from wayyyyy too bright to *just right*. These are for anyone who's ever stared with loathing at their clock in the middle of the night, wishing they could somehow reprogram it to be less bright and obnoxious.

    6. A LOL-worthy screaming goat figure, because don't you just want to meet (and befriend) whoever was like, "What about a little plastic goat that shrieks when you press him? I think we could all use that." They were correct.

    7. An oh-so-helpful plastic bag holder for those moments when you feel like you'd need one or two additional limbs to stop meal prep from being such a mess. We've all been there — so why have we lived without these for so long?

    8. A ~fantastically~ funny unicorn horn for your KitchenAid mixer that should win every design award known to man (and mythological equine), because it's pretty much the only thing that could make your favorite kitchen gadget better.

    The golden unicorn horn on a white KitchenAid mixer

    9. A super convenient magnetic wristband strong enough to hold up to one pound (!!!) of tools you want to have close at hand, so it'll be like you have an assistant right there with you.

    model wearing red wristband with nails stuck to it while they hammer one into wood

    10. The Guac-Lock, an amazing airtight container that'll allow you to enjoy guacamole goodness for days on end with no browning. It's the scientific advancement we always knew we needed but never thought possible — dreams really do come true.

    11. A split bedding set designed specifically for couples who can never seem to agree on blanket ratio. No more freezing because babe keeps hogging the comforter or sweating because they *insist* on using all the covers even in the middle of the summer.

    models in bed under the gray blanket split almost all the way down the middle but attached at the bottom

    12. A must-have, keychain-friendly car escape tool to up your on-the-go emergency-preparedness game. This tiny miracle has both a seatbelt cutter and a window breaker to get you to safety ASAP.

    model holding small orange tool
    model using blue tool to cut seatbelt
    model using blue tool to break window

    Check out this review from an actual firefighter with tips on how to use this tool!

    Promising review: "Just had to use one of these that I keep on my keychain. I was first on the scene of a nasty wrong-way crash. The driver and a passenger were stuck inside the vehicle. The doors could not be easily opened (on the driver side) so I pulled out my keys and used this tool to pop out the window. It instantly caused the tempered glass to shatter and I knocked the excess away with my flashlight before using a knife to cut away at the airbags. The woman survived and it was incredibly comforting for her to see me face to face and know that she had a way out and that she wasn't stuck. We waited for a little and paramedics arrived and were able to give everyone the care they needed. This was a real-life scenario and this product worked. Would absolutely recommend." —Madison

    Get it in orange from Amazon for $9.85 (available in more colors here).

    13. An absolutely inspired car dipping sauce holder that'll clip to your vents and make your drive-thru meal an even more wonderful experience. You'll pity your fellow fast food patrons who are still spilling BBQ all over their seats or balancing ranch precariously on their center console.

    A reviewer dipping a chicken tender into a sauce cup stored in the red holder clipped to a car air vent

    14. A special "bib" for your splashy faucet, which I'm less amazed someone thought of and more amazed no one (including me) thought of *before.*

    15. Beyond handy grocery bag handles that must have been designed by someone who also REFUSES to make multiple trips into the house with their baggage. These babies make it possible to carry way more at once and can even hold the bags together in the back of the car so they don't spill.

    16. Specially designed hoodie hangers for anyone whose epic loungewear collection deserves the best — but is often the absolute worst to hang up.

    hoodie on S-shaped hanger

    17. The amazing Alleyoop Pen Pal, aka an incredibly fun and convenient four-in-one makeup pen that'll let you do pretty much your whole face with one tool. Just click down the various levers for eyeliner, lip liner, highlighter, and an eye/eyebrow pencil, all in one portable and adorable package.

    18. A convenient condiment fork you can store around the snack jar itself, so you won't ever find yourself ~in a pickle~ and have to stick your fingers in the brine. If necessity is the mother of invention, whoever invented this must have similar snacking habits to me.

    19. A pair of Boot Bananas that'll use a combo of plant extracts, activated charcoal, minerals, and salts to deodorize even the stinkiest of shoes. And the coolest part? Just like a real banana, they'll brown over time as they soak up more and more nastiness, so you'll know when you need to purchase a new pair.

    the boot bananas in a pair of sneakers

    20. A clever cap washing cage so you'll be able to pop baseball caps in the top rack of your dishwasher or top-loading washing machine to get them looking like new. Honestly, hat's off to whoever invented this.

    A reviewer photo of the white plastic cage, which is shaped like an oversized baseball cap, with a cap inside

    21. A super-useful washable, reusable, biodegradable towel made to do (and excel at) one very specific job. Namely, absorb all the grease from your bacon with less waste than just using a paper towel.

    bacon on the reusable towel
    Green City Living/Amazon Handmade

    Just use it to blot bacon like you would a normal paper towel, then soak it in hot water and degreasing dish soap and toss it in the washer to be used again. This genius creation is from a Colorado-based small biz that makes fabric alternatives to all sorts of disposable household products.

    Promising review: "Best thing ever. We try to be as sustainable as we can. I hated buying paper towels for bacon grease because we would always use them for everything else because they were there. Now that I have this fancy little towel, we no longer buy paper towels and I am beyond happy. It also cleans very well!" —Kelly Rooney

    Get it from Green City Living on Amazon Handmade for $13.50.

    22. A simply brilliant bracelet fastening tool that allows you to hold one end of your bauble steady instead of trying to contort your hands into unnatural positions just to put on your damn jewelry.

    23. AirPods-compatible hooks for anyone who hasn't wanted to admit that their beloved, trendy, high-tech earbuds don't actually stay in their ears very well. Even if they do, you could definitely use a little extra protection against losing such splurge-y items, especially when exercising or on the go.

    Promising review: "The hooks are comfortable and solve the problem of the earbuds falling out over and over again. An unexpected benefit is that the Pods can sit gently on the ear; no need to shove them inside to secure them. I can barely feel the Pods or the hooks. Glad I found these…they solve all problems. And I can wear my glasses while wearing them. Great price, too." —TutorMaven

    Get them from Amazon for $10.49.

    24. A beautiful and creative intimate art kit that allows you and your partner to create a museum-worthy painting with your bodies while you get frisky. Yes, really.

    bed with a blue abstract painting hung above it

    25. A dishwasher safe (!!!) double pan to make flipping omelets, bacon, grilled cheese, and more so ~flipping~ easy, plus help you get the fluffiest pancakes you've ever made in your life.

    26. A handy (or nose-y?) doggy doorbell your pupper need only boop with their snoot to let you know it's time to go out or come in — no more barking and scratching. Reviewers say their pups took to it easily, and it even has a built-in treat holder for training!

    greyhound pressing yellow circular doorbell with nose

    Promising review: "This is literally one of the best inventions EVER. I used this doorbell many years ago to potty train my stubborn puppy. She never learned house training before I got her at six months old, so it was hard to engrain it in her. Now I've pulled it out again because my eldest dog can't hold it as long as before, and he is not good at letting us know when he needs to go and was having accidents indoors. It was SUPER easy to get him to learn it — I had already tried using the bells hanging from the doorknob but they aren't loud enough if he doesn't hit them hard and he didn't get it. ONE treat later he got this immediately and no more accidents. Be careful using treats though. The first training session he kept ringing the bell thinking it meant treats not outside :)." —Emily Feldman

    Get it from Amazon for $30.

    27. A brilliant color-coded keyboard cover illustrating all the shortcuts for Adobe Photoshop that'll be a true game-changer for anyone who uses that app about as much as they use their email. And here you were thinking about just tattooing these shortcuts on your hands — this is a bit easier.

    the keyboard cover on a MacBook with colors, shapes, and text to indicate each key's function in photoshop

    28. An impressive peanut butter knife made to get EVERY LAST DROP of goodness out of the jar, without getting your hands all sticky. It'll save you money, mess, and meal-prep time.

    long knife with curved end and red handle next to a peanut butter jar
    jar scraped clean

    Promising review: "It will save your life! Give you wings! Make you taller! More handsome! It will reverse male-pattern baldness!! It will teach your dog to behave! Has been known to bring feuding families back to an amicable place of respect and love! Your glass will always be half full! You will suddenly find yourself only grabbing on-sale items grocery shopping (by accident even!). Just having one PB-Jife in the household has been noted as a confirmed good luck charm and beacon for positivity and fortune to befall you!* Two days on Amazon Prime later, and here I am full of life, typing this with my CLEAN HANDS AND KNUCKLES! After just scraping the bottom of a big ol'peanut butter jar out in two seconds effortlessly. It might look big and awkward (it's a monster of a one-use tool), but seriously if you have an intense dislike for getting PB on your fingertips dealing with jars — this is the solution you've been looking for. Long live PB-Jife.

    *Will not do anything in that first paragraph. I'm sorry." —CW

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    29. An absolutely iconic Schitt spray that's the mash-up of pop culture and practical product you never knew you needed. Ew, David, I bet you thought stinking up the bathroom was just an inevitable part of life. Nope — just spritz this oil blend onto the toilet before you go to mask whatever damage you're about to do (especially if you're Roland using the loo in the Rose's motel room).

    the large and small spray bottles with labels that read "Schitt Spray, Ew, David" with David Rose's face on them

    30. An unbelievably ingenious sock organizer made to fight back against the phenomenon that's plagued humankind since the invention of the washing machine — disappearing hosiery. You can throw this thing right in the laundry (!!!) so you'll never loose half of a pair of socks in the abyss again, or even have to spend time matching them up when you unload the dryer!

    model holding blue organizer full of socks, placing it in washer
    model putting socks on the organizer hung on a doorknob

    Promising review: "Totally obsessed with this! I’ve been using it a few weeks now and have zero complaints! I haven’t lost a single sock since! They always come out paired and completely dried (which was one of my concerns; I wasn’t sure if they were going to dry properly). I would definitely recommend this! It’s amazing and makes life so much easier! Especially with a toddler and baby on the way!" —Sarah Elizabeth

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $18 (available in five colors).

    31. And finally, a very handsome top hat for reptiles and other small animals basically guaranteed to be the best thing you'll see all day. It's called fasssssshion, look it up.

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