17 Photos That Are So Unlikely, They Seem Impossible

    What are the odds?

    1. This fishbowl that got knocked off the counter.

    2. These two identical strangers who were seated next to each other on an airplane.

    Guy on right is the husband of my friend @elrottencrotch. Guy on left is a STRANGER he met on a flight last night!

    3. The serial number on this pizza cutter.

    4. The cyclist who dropped their phone in the middle of a ride.

    5. The name of the foreign languages teacher.

    6. The passengers on this public bus.

    7. And the passengers on this bus as well.

    8. The car that was parked in exactly the right place during a storm.

    9. And this car, who was directly in a fallen tree's path, but still ended up fine.

    10. This glass that broke in exactly the right way.

    11. These two inverted strangers.

    12. The fortune on this badly-constructed fortune cookie.

    13. The price on this receipt, juxtaposed with the message at the bottom.

    14. The statue of a swerving driver that was just narrowly missed by this crashed car.

    15. This pinball that stopped right in the middle of the flippers.

    16. This rented car that drove 50 miles away from the rental office, and ended up parked next to the car's nearly-identical sibling (check out those license plates!).

    17. And these strangers in traffic, who didn't realize they were playing the same game.

    For more odds-defying stuff, check out r/NeverTellMeTheOdds!