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It's Time To Decide Which "Big Shiny Tunes" Album Is The Best

The most divisive debate Canada has ever faced.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Canadian-born '90s kid must be in possession of at least one Big Shiny Tunes album.

With the most popular album being Big Shiny Tunes 2, which is the third best-selling Canadian album of all time.

Before the age of iTunes and Spotify, the annual Big Shiny Tunes albums were the best way to boost your music collection with the year's best music.

The series was so successful that it spawned 17 (!) albums between 1996 and 2009.

But the question that plagues our great nation to this day is: Which Big Shiny Tunes album is the best?!

You know you have an opinion on this.

Big Shiny Tunes 2 is the best of the Big Shiny Tunes series of compilation CD/Cassettes. So say we all.

Big Shiny Tunes 3 was the greatest of all Big Shiny Tunes

After much deliberation, a tribunal of contemporaries have determined that Big Shiny Tunes 4 is unequivocally the best of the all the Tunes.

Just so there is no confusion, we all agree Big Shiny Tunes 5 was the best one, correct?

Big shiny tunes 6 is clearly where it's at

Let's settle this shit once and for all.

Before you make this monumental decision, do your due diligence and review the track listings of all 17 Big Shiny Tunes albums. We'll wait.

Why'd you choose that album?

Defend your Big Shiny Tunes choice in the comments!

And then get your nostalgia on by listening to all the Big Shiny Tunes albums on YouTube.