22 Couples Who Are Totally Nailing This Whole Relationship Thing

    These couples are so sweet, they make my teeth hurt.

    1. The couple who celebrated their birthdays right.

    2. The boyfriend who made one big memory out of dozens of other great memories.

    3. The girlfriend who built a shrine to her love.

    just a little surprise for my girlfriend, always remind your girl that she’s appreciated 💍💍

    4. The boyfriend who made sure his girlfriend didn't go hungry.

    5. The boyfriend who supported his girlfriend's self-confidence.

    6. The couple who embraced their weirdness.

    7. The couple who was total fashion goals.

    8. The girlfriend who got creative with her locket.

    9. The engagement that warmed the heart of a stranger.

    10. The boyfriend who took care of his girlfriend when she was a little worse for wear.

    When she's too drunk to brush her teeth, you do it for her 😬

    11. The husband who knew exactly what constitutes an emergency.

    My husband y’all 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😂

    12. The couple who made the most out of date night.

    13. The couple who showed their love every time they made a purchase.

    14. The boyfriend who created a little bit of magic at home.

    15. The boyfriend who turned Christmas gifts into a monthlong event.

    16. The couple who couldn't handle how beautiful they both were.

    17. The boyfriend who gave his girlfriend a bouquet she'd actually enjoy.

    18. The boyfriend who turned his girlfriend into a literal princess.

    19. The boyfriend who immortalized his love into jewelry.

    20. The boy who got some exercise AND a prom date.

    21. The boyfriend who wanted to walk around with his girl all day.

    22. And the couple who were really super together.