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This Mom Dressed Up Her 11-Year-Old Son As Christian Grey

Some "Fifty Shades of Grey" fans take things a little (or in this case, a lot) too far. In honor of World Book Day, one U.K. mom decided to celebrate by sending her son off to school dressed as Christian Grey. Because what's more appropriate for dress-up day than a psychopathic billionaire who's into BDSM?

Julia Lynn Rubin 9 years ago

10 Major Reasons To Dye Or Chalk Your Hair A Fanstasy Color

Forget what your parents think or anyone who tells you that it'll "looks silly," fantasy colored hair is one of the hottest hair trends to ever exist, and here's 10 reasons youll look amazing with it in yours, whether you dye, dip dye or chalk!

Julia Lynn Rubin 9 years ago

5 Surefire Ways To Know If A Guy Likes You

Ahh, yes, the eternal question: does he like me? While there's no way to get inside his head (yet), there are some very strong signals he may be giving to let you know whether you should make a move or move on!

Julia Lynn Rubin 10 years ago