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    12 Lifehacks For An Amazing Bath & Shower Experience

    Showers and baths always feel great (assuming the hot water is working), but isn't it time you took your bathing routine to the next level?

    1. Invest in a Magical Rainforest Shower Head

    2. DIY Your Tub With Airstone

    3. Wrap Your Shower Head in a Plastic Bag of Vinegar

    4. Play Your iPod In the Sink

    5. Make Your Own Balt Salts

    6. Tie Shower Curtains With Bows

    7. Use Lavender-Scented Soap

    8. Lay Back On an Inflatable Bath Pillow

    9. Use Your Wrist to Gauge Water Temperature

    10. Try Taking a Cold Shower

    11. Make Ample Use of Shea Butter

    12. Make Sure to Moisturize