We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    31 Beauty Products With Results That'll Make You Immediately Add To Cart

    Be cautious, the devil on my shoulder told me to *add to cart* four times and now I have four Amazon packages on their way to me and not a single freakin' regret.

    1. Olaplex No. 3 hair perfector, which is TOTALLY worth it if your hair is broken or damaged. This bad boy strengthens and protects your hair from within and reduces breakage so your split ends can't stop you from feeling ~FAB~.

    Reviewer smiling and holding Olaples
    Reviewer's hair before and after hair treatment

    Promising reviews: "My hair had so much breakage from coloring it so much over the years and I was on the verge of completely shaving it. I saw one of God’s favorites on TikTok with the hair of a goddess suggest this stuff. All I can say is wow! This cream must have been dropped from Heaven because it has saved my fried hair. Worth every penny, with this stuff, you too can be one of God’s favorites." —Kirstin

    "I have used this product three times so far and have noticed a significant difference in my hair. I had my hair colored and experienced dryness and breakage. This product was recommended by a YouTuber so I gave it a try and am pleased. Initially, I used it every three to four days and will now use every seven days. I feel this product has made a huge difference with shedding, tangles, dryness, and breakage. I finally found something that works for my coily, 4c hair." —Tasha

    Get it from Amazon for $30 (available in five styles).

    And check out our full review of Olaplex No. 3.

    2. Or a bottle of TikTok-famous Elizavecca hair treatment that contains ceramides and collagen that'll give your hair shine and make it smooth in just five minutes! Keeping you flawless even if you don't have much time or don't feel like doing your hair.

    Reviewer's hair before and after treatment
    Reviewer showing healthy-looking curly hair

    Promising reviews: "I have tried everything on the market to fix my damaged, bleached hair that keeps breaking off. I stumbled across this hair treatment on TikTok. I had never heard of it before but decided to give it a try. I used it for the first time yesterday and I couldn't believe how amazing it made my hair feel and look. It's sooo soft, shiny, bouncy and nourished. My bleached rat's nest now looks and feels like virgin hair again. Even my boyfriend noticed a huge difference in my hair and you know it's a GOOD product when the boyfriend notices :D. I’m going to buy a lot more of this product. I’ve been really frustrated about my hair for years now because of all the damage; now I can finally relax and enjoy my new hair. <3" —Eline

    "I was skeptical. I’ll admit it. I wasn’t sure this would work on my 4c hair but it made my hair so soft! And I didn’t need to use a tremendous amount of product. It made it easy to comb out and blow dry my hair. It even made it smoother after the flatiron. You can’t beat it for the price." —Niki D.

    Check out BuzzFeed's full review of the Elizavecca hair treatment for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $7.21.

    3. Maybelline's Instant Age Rewind Concealer with a sponge on the end for covering dark circles with ease. You'll look well rested and refreshed even on days that you...uh, aren't. Nobody will even be able to tell!

    former BuzzFeed editor applying the concealer under eyes
    Reviewer with concealer under one eye showing difference
    Kayla Suazo / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Promising review: "I personally like this product. Throughout high school (I recently graduated in June), I never knew how to do makeup. But then I heard this product was the absolute best on TikTok, and trust me, they were not lying. It has really good coverage and hides my 'raccoon eyes' and the beat part is that a little bit goes a long way. So if you’re starting out or want to try something new, I definitely recommend trying this out .<3" —Liela Lee

    Get it from Amazon for $7.59+ (available in 13 shades).

    4. A tube of retinol night cream that works harder than Kris Jenner. Put some on at night and wake up with smooth and radiant skin. These results totally bring the drama.

    5. Bio-Oil, made with vitamins A and E, chamomile, and lavender to help moisturize skin, minimize stretch marks and fade scars, both old and new, WITH TIME. Although this isn't an overnight miracle, sticking with this oil will get you shocking results.

    A model rubbing bio-oil on their hands
    Models stomach before and after using bio-oil shiowing stretch marks vanish

    Promising reviews: "Acne scars? Read this. I found out about this product while scrolling through TikTok last week. It came highly recommended, so I decided to look up the price on Amazon. After reading several reviews, I figured I might as well try it out. Today is the fourth day I used the product on my face. My skin looks dewy and nice. The discoloration on my cheeks from a few-years-old acne scars is improving. My skin looks younger — it’s hard to describe, but I can see a difference. It looks less rough. I’ve been using it morning and night." —Yasmin Rodriguez

    "What is this sorcery? I’m pretty sure it’s just straight up whatever liquid comes out of a unicorn when it happy cries. I have scars, stretch marks, and acne that are healing or disappearing literally overnight. It’s hands down some of the best stuff I’ve ever gotten my hands on. Thank you magical wizard for creating this supernatural concoction, you can now have all of my money. If only I’d taken some before and after pictures to capture the results!" —Purpleflowerseverywhere13

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three sizes and a multipack).

    6. A L'Oreal repairing hair treatment that'll give you shiny, silky, healthier-looking hair in just eight seconds. Apply it after shampoo but before conditioner and let the amino acids target the parts of your hair that are damaged without weighing it down.

    7. An exfoliating scrub mitt to scrub-a-dub-dub that dead skin off. It'll seriously look like you shed a layer like a snake by the time this thing is done removing any self tanner, old skin, and whatever else could be caked on. Plus, you'll be soooo smooth. Like, baby butt smooth.

    reviewer showing their legs before and after using the glove and how different their legs look
    reviewer showing the black glove on their hand

    Promising review: "I have very thin and light body hair, so any form of removal (shaving, waxing, etc.) usually leaves me with a lot of ingrown hairs. I've tried body scrubs and washcloths and neither really do a great job. I saw this product recommended by a dermatologist on TikTok and thought I'd try it — it's amazing! I also have very sensitive skin, and this mitt doesn't leave my skin irritated at all. However, absolutely do not use this mitt on your face, neck, or other sensitive areas, it would be way too harsh. I like to use this mitt first when I get in the shower, then use a body wash (a gentle chemical exfoliant) and follow up with body lotion for dry and sensitive skin. This whole routine is fragrance-free and leaves my skin feeling very soft and moisturized." — Kat

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (also available in a set of two). 

    8. And a gross but satisfying exfoliating foot mask to remove all that dead skin that's just dying to shed. Apply, leave on for an hour (in the provided booties), wash it off, and in 5–7 days, brand new feet! Or at least it'll feel that way.

    9. A heat-activated anti-frizz treatment to apply before you blow dry. With anti-humidity technology and moisture repellent, it works kinda like a mini keratin treatment and seriously DELIVERS some incredible results. Oh, and Chris Appleton, celebrity stylist to both Kim Kardashian and J.Lo, swearssss by this stuff.

    reviewer with half of hair curly and the other half silky straight using anti-frizz treatment

    10. Briogeo leave-in conditioning spray that'll help you say buh-bye to that frizz! Using coconut oil and argan oil, this leave-in spray is suitable for all kinds of hair, from straight to wavy to curly. ANDDD it'll help with tangles and knots.

    This spray is designed for all hair types, but reviewers with straight, fine hair say that a little goes a long way.

    Briogeo is a Black-owned, woman-owned small business that specializes in hair care.

    Promising reviews: "I'm a dude with long hair and didn't know about leave-in conditioner. Since buying this product, I would have to consider myself an idiot for all the years that I didn't know it existed." —Kyle

    "I have lived in Florida for the past 19 years and pretty much tried every anti-frizz product on the market to no avail. I really gave up entirely until my friend recommended I try this product. WOW, it actually works. I can't believe under Florida's 90% humidity conditions my hair is not frizzy for the first time in in 19 years. I no longer look like I was dragged through a rain forest. THIS PRODUCT IS A MIRACLE. Simply amazed." —The Shrike

    Get it from Amazon for $25

    11. Or a thickening spray with ingredients like biotin and ginseng to give you Beyoncé level volume. It'll help soak up the oil that weighs your hair down as it's produced. You know what they say, the higher the hair, the closer to God!

    12. The renowned Aztec Secret Healing Clay that'll deep-clean pores just like a vacuum sucks up dirt off a floor. Just add a little apple cider vinegar or water, mix it into a smooth paste and apply it to your face! The amount of time to keep it on varies based on skin sensitivity, but it'll have your skin looking and feeling great.

    A reviewer selfie of two people wearing the face mask
    A split reviewer image showing a face with red bumps and acne scars on the left, and the same face with fewer bumps and scars on the right

    This cruelty-free mask is made from 100% bentonite clay, that can also be used for body wraps, clay baths, foot soaks, hair masks, and more. One reviewer has even found success washing their 4c hair with it. The company recommends that people with sensitive skin only leave it on for 5–10 minutes, but those without sensitive skin can leave it on for up to 20 minutes.

    Promising review: "I'm beyond impressed with this product. It is like something I have never experienced. After only one use, I started seeing IMMEDIATE results. I have battled cystic acne, hyperpigmentation, and scarring for years. This resulted in me getting pockmarks and blackheads on the surface of my skin. I have used a plethora of products over the years (prescribed and over the counter) and received minimal, temporary, or no results at all. With nothing to lose, I opted to give this mask a try. Let's just say I WILL BE USING THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!! Nothing short of magic and a little goes a long way. No drying or irritation of the skin. This item is a MUST have. I highly recommend." —Mel3177

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in two sizes).

    13. A bestselling eyebrow pencil to fill in any patchy parts of your brows. I had chicken pox as a kid and one was on one of my eyebrows, so I have a patch of hair that just doesn't grow in one spot. Brow pencils = my best friend. Fill 'em in with the teardrop-tip pencil, then smooth them out with the spoolie end to give them a natural finish.

    reviewer&#x27;s brow before and after filling it in with eyebrow pencil

    14. An outrageously popular Differin gel with over 51,000 *glowing* reviews. It's a prescription-strength retinoid that targets clogged pores and inflammation to restore skin texture and tone. It'll get all up in those pores helping prevent new acne from forming. Now doesn't that just sound lovely?

    split image of reviewer&#x27;s skin before and after using gel with noticeable differences and dark spots faded

    15. A deeply conditioning hair mask with castor oil and biotin to help get your hair to a healthier-looking state. It'll help resurrect any dry, damaged, or color-treated hair with intense hydration that'll reduce shedding and breakage.

    Reviewer showing results of using TGIN hair mask

    16. A super-gentle yet hydrating CeraVe eye cream with hyaluronic acid for moisture and three essential ceramides to protect the sensitive skin around your eye. You'll look bright-eyed, fully rested, and like you're already wearing concealer.

    Reviewer showing results of using CeraVe eye cream
    Reviewer showing results of using CeraVe eye cream

    Promising review: "I've been embarrassed for years about the bags under my eyes, but with two preschoolers at home, stress, and mild insomnia, I didn't see a way out. This is like a little miracle tube. I use it before bed and then in the morning too. I use it even if I didn't wash my face. I've gone from looking like there are bruises under my eyes to looking normal again. I no longer feel the need to use concealer under my eyes on a regular basis. I highly recommend!" —Amber J.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.44.

    17. An eye primer to help lock down your eye makeup and have it lasting longer than the energizer bunny. This base will have your shadow looking as bold, pigmented and vibrant as ever. Isn't that all we ever want?

    purple eyeshadow on eyelid labeled
    purple eyeshadow looking the same labeled

    Promising review: "So let me start by saying I have used nearly every eyeshadow primer available. From high-end to low — Mac, Lorac, Urban Decay...they don't hold a candle to Thank Me Later. I have very oily skin. I use this primer and my shadow lasts a full eight hours or more. I could get maybe five or six out of the other brands, if I'm lucky. I got this as a sample in my Ipsy bag, and I had to buy the full-size product straight away! I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Thank you, Elizabeth Mott, for finally making a primer that lasts! I love this stuff!" —Melissa Mae

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    18. A ridiculously popular serum from L'Oréal that uses hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to help hydrate and moisturize your skin for some seriously dewy, glowy skin. This stuff will plump you up and have you looking absolutely radiant.

    Reviewer showing results of using L&#x27;Oreal hyaluronic acid serum

    19. A bestselling argan oil hair mask for dry and damaged hair. It'll help promote growth and strengthen weak hair by deeply conditioning, detangling, and hydrating your gorgeous locks.

    20. A lightweight liquid foundation with unbelievable coverage and the ability to cover acne. Not only do you get a marvelously matte face, but this bb also helps treat your acne and prevent future breakouts. All with the magical ✨salicylic acid✨.

    21. An all-natural dry shampoo that works on all shades of hair and will freshen your mane up if you don't have time for another wash. The excess oil in your hair will *poof* away and you'll be left with voluminous locks. Also great to use after workouts!

    It's also vegan and cruelty-free. Just lightly dispense the powder onto your hair roots and gently rub it in.

    Promising review: "Words can’t even describe how incredible this stuff is! When my bottle arrived, I was on day five of not washing my hair, and day three of wearing it in a ponytail. Just for fun and to experiment before I showered and washed my hair, I thought I’d test it out. WOW!!! It completely, miraculously made my hair look like I had just washed it! I seriously started laughing because I was so shocked! I didn’t even end up washing my hair in the shower! You would seriously never know that my hair was not freshly washed and blow-dried. I don’t know how they make this magic stuff, but this will be my new go-to for life! Don’t even hesitate, just buy it! I got the grapefruit scent and it smells so good too!" —Karen G.

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in two scents and five sizes).

    22. A styling mousse to help define your curls without flakes and crunch keeping them soft to touch. Calm the frizz, up the lightweight moisture.

    23. A hair-finishing stick for those super-annoying hairs that won't cooperate when making a ponytail. It looks like mascara and will lay all those pesky flyaways and baby hairs that love to peek out. Hooray for flawless, flyaway-free hair!

    Promising reviews: "I love this product and have bought it twice now. It does an excellent job of smoothing out postpartum flyaways when I have my short hair back in a ponytail. I love that it doesn’t look too slicked back either. Great balance between a natural look and effectiveness." —Bailey

    "This finisher is great! It doesn’t leave any residue. It really holds my frizzy hair down from humidity (it’s half natural). I recommend this product, it’s great for slicking down my edges as well and it LASTS ALLLLL DAY.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾" —Ciji

    All I have to say is I need three.

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in a set of one or two).

    24. Or an edge control gel that'll SSSSHHHHLICK those baby hairs DOWN, honeyyyy. And reviewers are raving about how this gel lasts all day; like, their edges are NOT MOVING. Chileee — witchcraft, it's gotta be, because for edges to still be laid after a gym session?! I'm shook — are you shook?

    reviewer's before photo of her natural edges and baby hairs
    after photo of the hair slicked back and laying down

    Oh, and I totally understand that laying your edges is not a necessity and isn't everyone's cup of tea! For more on this, check out "Just A Friendly PSA That You Don't HAVE To Lay Your Edges Down If You Don't Wanna."

    See it in action on TikTok here

    Promising reviews: "It's so hard looking for edge control that lasts longer than five minutes on my edges but this stuff really works! It works so well and keeps your hairs from moving so even if you try to adjust any of them they'll be too stiff. Even after sweating in the gym my edges barely move and if they do, they are still a bit defined. The only thing I will caution — do not use a heavy hand because it will flake if you do. Anyways 10/10 best edge control ever!" —Keyona

    "I get my hair done a lot as a Black woman and every edge control I've tried either didn't last more than an hour, or sweated out because I have a job where I do a lot of moving around and it gets very warm. This is the first edge control that actually keeps my hair in place and doesn't flake or sweat out. It's so smooth and not sticky, easy to manage and a good value for the price." —Sirena

    Get it from Amazon for $4.97+ (available in eight sizes).

    25. Denman hairbrush designed with evenly spaced bristles to detangle and shape your curls at the same time, cutting your styling time in half. Ughhhh, sounds like heaven to me — how about all my other curly friends? Anything to cut down on the time that my arm has to be sore from brushing.

    Reviewer showing half of their hair curled with brush and half of their hair air dried without brush
    Reviewer hand next to white brush on table

    Promising review: "I’m relatively new to the curly hair journey (I thought I just had frizzy, dry hair for decades) and was struggling to have frizz-free curls. I also wasn’t getting good curls with my wide tooth comb. After just two days with this brush, I’m getting defined curls! I regret not getting this sooner. My hair looks noticeably better!" —Sarah W.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.50+ (available in six styles and 13 colors).

    26. A bottle of nail and cuticle care oil that you apply like a clear coat of polish to keep your nails strong and your cuticles soft. It'll be just like getting a fresh mani at a salon butttt whenever you want at no extra cost. 

    Promising review: "A manicurist used this product on me at a spa and told me she purchased from Amazon so I purchased it also. I am a cuticle picker/biter so this product is great for me! Keeps my cuticles from becoming dry and cracked which prevents me from picking :)" —Nicole

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in three sizes).

    27. A tube of Mederma Scar Cream to help reduce the appearance of both old and new scars. Whether it's a fresh scar from a surgery or a suuuper old scar from when you ran into the corner of the table as a child, this cream has your back.

    reviewer scar before and after using Mederma cream

    28. A Nyx makeup setting spray so your makeup can stay in place all day through whatevaaaa comes your way. Rain or shine or nights out cannot stop this spray from a flawless matte face. Dance the night away without your eyebrows running away at midnight.

    A reviewer self of them with their eyes closed and a full face of makeup with text that reads
    The same reviewer with their eyes closed and makeup still intact with text that reads

    Promising reviews: "I have been purchasing the Nyx Matte Finishing Spray for years but would rotate between this and other high-end sprays. I always end up coming right back to Nyx because the finish is incomparable. No matter what foundation I use, my makeup is long wearing, stays matte, and there's no cakey, oily, or that melted/separated look even after hours of wear. I also have some visible pores on my cheeks and this spray does NOT highlight them or make them stand out more like other sprays do. It's the perfect combination for my makeup needs. Also, so happy that Amazon sells this in jumbo size so this bottle will last me a really long time!" —Krystle M.

    "I don’t normally leave reviews but I had to for this product. I swear by this stuff. I did a 30-minute HITT session and I was dripping sweat and you legit couldn't even tell. I work out on my lunch break at work and have to go right back after. Knowing that my makeup is always going to be just the same is one less thing I have to worry about. I will always recommend this." —Shannon G.

    Get it from Amazon for $8.49+ (available in six styles and two-packs).

    29. A fabulous lip plumping gloss set for some seriously luscious lips. Come through filler qualityyyy 👏. Results may shock you and you'll have the Angelina Jolie pout of your dreams.

    reviewer's lips before and after using lip plumper
    reviewer holding lip plumpers

    You'll get one lip plumper and one minty sleeping mask for your lips.

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok and I had to give it a try. I tried the day lip plumper and within a few seconds, there was a subtle tingling/burning that lasted for a few minutes but as it occurred the plumping started to happen! The plumping made a noticeable difference and made my lips look like I had filler! I'm obsessed!!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    30. A jar of the impressive O'Keeffe's Healthy Feet foot cream to help repair, relieve, and heal your feet. Ughh dry, cracked skin is sometimes inevitable butttt just add some of this to exfoliated skin after shower time and *voila* — all the moisture your feet could ever desire.

    31. A conditioning serum to help boost the the length of your lashes and brows and make em' nice and thicccc. Nothing better than long luscious lashes and a full brow, I mean, you can't tell me ANYTHING when my lashes and brows are on point. Be sure to be consistent for jaw-dropping results to make you feel like the baddie you are.

    You trying to get through this list without buying anything: