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    51 Gifts For People Who Spend All Day At Their Desks

    A keyboard cover to make spills less disastrous, a cute lil' planner, a portable mini Crock-Pot, and other things your desk-bound loved one will absolutely adore.

    Hey! While we’re doing our best to make sure the products we feature will arrive in time for Christmas, shipping times are tricky and can vary depending on where you live, which product you purchase, and more. Shop early and be sure to double check the retailers’ websites for shipping information to ensure that your gift will arrive in time for the 25th!

    1. A keyboard cover they'll thank you for when they inevitably spill their morning latte on their v expensive laptop.

    Keyboard cover in use on laptop

    2. A mini wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man that'll make them smile even if they're bored out of their mind on the daily grind.

    3. A Mr. Coffee mug warmer so their hot, life-giving coffee stays the perfect temperature from the first sip to the last — no matter how long it takes them to drink it!

    a mug with a drawing of a corgi with a coffee mug on it sitting on a flat black Mr. Coffee mug warmer

    4. A sloth daily planner and note pad that'll help them stay on task, but won't judge them for moving a lil' slowly.

    The planner, featuring cute pictures of sloths and sections with headings like "Eventual Appointments" and "To-Do (After A Nap)"

    5. Some cable clip organizers so they don't have to dig through an unruly mountain of cords on the floor next to their desk every single time they need a charger.

    close up of mountable cable clips

    6. Or a set of 18 adorable cable protectors that'll double as charming decor.

    a few different animals as cord protectors

    7. A chic desk organizer for anyone who could use a fashionable way to keep their office supplies from being strewn all over their desk.

    8. A super cute cactus humidifier that'll keep their workspace from feeling too stuffy while making their desk look extra ~sharp~.

    Cactus humidifier on desk

    9. A cult-favorite, compact Nespresso Vertuo single-serve espresso maker for anyone who requires fancy coffee, but can't always get away from their desk long enough to make a run to their preferred cafe.

    10. A memory foam wrist rest to help relieve the discomfort of spending all day with the dynamic duo of mouse and keyboard.

    Model using memory foam wrist rest

    11. A small but powerful personal space heater — it'll keep them nice and toasty even if their work space tends to run cold.

    Promising review: "I bought this to use under my desk to keep my feet warm. It's perfect and as you can see it's little (about the size of a medium coffee), so it's not in the way of me hitting it with my feet. There's a safety button on the bottom so the heater stops working when it's tipped over, picked up, or not on a level surface. I like that feature a lot. Definitely recommend purchasing if you need a little heater at a decent price!" —Ta2dmom

    Shipping info: Available on Amazon Prime with next day shipping, non-Prime shipping options will still arrive by Christmas (see Amazon's full shipping information here).

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in four colors).

    12. A dual breakfast sandwich maker that can cook two sandwiches in FIVE MINUTES if they want a quick meal, but can't step away long enough to get into a whole production. Plus, all the removable parts are dishwasher-safe to make it extra convenient.

    Two sandwiches cooking in the sandwich maker

    13. A desktop dry-erase whiteboard they'll love using to write down important notes and reminders, saving paper in the process!

    14. A set of affordable, reviewer-beloved wireless Bluetooth earbuds so they can easily listen to their fave music and podcasts without having to deal with pesky cords.

    15. A reversible shag and sherpa throw blanket — now they'll have something cozy to snuggle up in while working from home.

    the blanket in dusty rose draped over a chair

    16. Or a wearable blanket for anyone who wants to take the whole "never coming out from under my blankie" thing to a whole new level. It even has sleeves so they can work on their devices without exposing their arms to to the cold, unforgiving air!

    Two people snuggling in the blankets

    17. *And* a pair of plush slipper socks to warm their chilly paws when the floor feels like ice in their work space.

    18. A robot vacuum that'll actually do an efficient job so they can keep focusing on work while it scoots around and does the cleaning up all on its own.

    The robot vacuum next to a sleeping child

    19. A selfie ring light to ensure that all of their Zoom presentations have flawless lighting that'll make even the least exciting WFH spaces look like a million bucks.

    A lit selfie ring on a tripod pointing at a reviewer's desk set up

    20. A Wi-Fi extender that'll help boost their signal if their home office space happens to be in the part of the house where the internet's a little flakey.

    the extender with a phone held up next to it for scale showing they are the same size roughly

    21. A super slim wireless charger — it'll make their desktop look way fancier.

    22. An DeskCycle so they can squeeze a workout in despite being stuck working all day long.

    A reviewer photo of the cycle, with the text "It comes with a velcro strap to be used with a rolling chair. They really paid attention to small details!"

    23. A colorful waterproof desk pad that'll transform even the dingiest desktop into an aesthetically pleasing workspace — especially since it's reversible so they can switch up the colors to match their vibe! It basically acts as a giant mouse pad that'll protect their desk from scratches and stains (and hide old ones) while making the surface much comfier to rest their arms and elbows on. Plus, they can even use it as a nice background for Zoom calls and photos!

    24. A mesh desk organizer with a sliding drawer, double tray, and five upright sections so they can free up some valuable surface space and feel more organized.

    A reviewer's organizer with an assortment of desk supplies inside

    25. A FlexiSpot mat for anyone who swears by a standing desk. This skid-proof mat features massage points and mounds that'll give their feet a lil' massage with their natural body movements while promoting blood circulation and helping enhance physical *and* mental relaxation even on the longest of days.

    26. A clever mug that looks an entire pot of coffee for the person in your life who can't get through the day without their favorite beverage.

    27. Or a dishwasher-safe unicorn pool float tea infuser if they're more of a tea person. Now it'll feel like there's a pool party happening in their mug, making even the most boring days a little more fun. Just fill the bottom with loose leaf tea, and let it swim!

    The infuser floating in a mug

    28. A cable organizer box because, let's face it, piles of tangled cords are v ugly, and they didn't put effort into making their WFH space cute only to have it marred by their devices' quenchless thirst for electricity.

    29. Or a super-cool faux-book display that's secretly hollow so they can use it to hide ugly cords and cables that make their work space feel cluttered and messy.

    Four photos which show how from the front, the display looks like a stack of books but from the back it's actually empty

    30. *Or* a hanging cord loft organizer to help keep under-the-desk cables and outlet strips under control and out of the way. Plus, it makes everything super easy to move as a unit, should they need to relocate.

    A metal organizer with five grooves and size cable wrap points

    31. *OR* — and I promise this is the last one — a zippered sleeve here to collect their various power cords and wires into one clean-looking tube!

    A before image of a ton of wires under a desk and an after image of them zippered up in the sleeve — looking more neat

    32. A portable mini Crock-Pot that'll heat their lunch up right at their desk.

    the mini crock pot

    33. And a rapid egg cooker so they can take making breakfast off of their to-do list and spend more time working at their desk. This impressive lil' device can make hard boiled, soft boiled, poached, and scrambled eggs in just minutes! It can even make an omelet if they wanna feel fancy without the extra effort.

    The egg cooker surrounded by eggs

    34. An adorable set of hanging planter stickers perfect for adding a touch of charm to their otherwise boring laptop.

    Hanging planter stickers placed on the front of Macbook

    35. A monitor stand desk organizer with drawers — it'll raise their screen to a more comfortable height while giving them somewhere to keep all of that clutter making their desk feel the *opposite* of calming.

    36. Or an adhesive monitor clip designed to hold up to 30 sheets of paper, which will also help them free up some desk space that otherwise tends to resemble a landfill.

    37. A pair of blue-light-blocking glasses that'll them avoid headaches and eye fatigue if they stare at a computer screen all day.

    38. A memory foam seat cushion and lumbar pillow — it'll make their at-home desk chair more of a friend than a foe to their back. Plus, it can even help them improve their posture!

    Reviewer lumbar pillow and cushion on chair

    39. A dimmable moon-shaped light with both white and yellow color settings to give their desk a cozy lunar glow. One thing's for sure, they'll definitely be ~over the moon~ for this gift!

    40. A to-do list planner notepad perfect for helping them organize their thoughts and stay motivated, *not* overwhelmed.

    The planner notepad

    41. A 3D effect essential oil diffusing LED light — it's made with stunning hand blown glass, and will make their work space feel like a whole lot calmer.

    reviewer photo of the diffuser in the dark

    42. A white-noise machine that'll help drown out any distracting noises with a soothing sound that can help them focus.

    Reviewer holding the white noise machine

    43. A set of squishy eggs to help them reduce stress and avoid nervous habits like nail biting and cuticle picking. They can also help prevent joint pain and carpal tunnel if their hands are basically glued to a mouse and keyboard every day.

    Three different colored eggs in Reviewer's hand

    44. Or a funny stress toy for your favorite spud — I mean — *stud*!

    Reviewer holding the potato stress toy

    45. A microwave pasta maker shockingly capable of making perfect al dente pasta so they can chow down on a fresh bowl of spaghetti for lunch *without* the prep or cleanup they definitely don't have time to deal with in the middle of a busy workday. All they've gotta do is insert noodles and water, stick it in the microwave, and they'll have delicious pasta in minutes. No mess, sticking, or hassle!

    46. A desk mirror so they can do a quick face check before signing into Zoom meetings with VIPs. Plus, it's foldable so they can just tuck it into a drawer when not using it.

    47. A sturdy laptop riser to bring their comp to a more comfortable height so they can stop destroying their posture and dealing with back pain after long days in front of the screen.

    48. A Zero-shaped lamp — it might just be the cutest thing to ever grace their desk.

    a glowing, lit-up zero lamp

    49. A fun desk lamp/pen holder disguised as a cute little plant for anyone who has trouble keeping real ones alive.

    The desk lamp shaped like a plant

    50. A portable dual monitor for their laptop because, let's face it, giving up their big, splashy desktop monitor at the office in favor of a smaller WFH setup was fine for a while, but now it's time for an upgrade. Plus, it's easy to transport from room to room!

    A laptop with a small monitor attached to the existing monitor

    51. A mini essential oil diffuser that'll add a soothing vibe to their work space. Add some plant-based aromatherapy oils to give them an extra luxurious experience.

    Reviewer image of the diffuser lit up with the color blue

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.