25 Reasons To Be Glad You're Out Of Your Early Twenties

    Bye-bye, beer pong.

    1. Nothing good happens after Fireball.

    2. Music festival tickets are soooo expensive.

    3. Being a hot mess seems dramatic and meaningful, but in reality you're just a hot mess.

    4. Reading for pleasure >>>> reading for boring college survey courses.

    5. Clubs are bullshit.

    6. ...but wine bars have cozy chairs!

    7. Body spray didn't smell as good as you thought it did.

    8. A lot of people you date have actual 401(k)s.

    9. Ikea furniture only survives one apartment move anyway.

    10. Not having plans on Friday night is a cause for celebration, not a fount of distress.

    11. Fuck road trips, man.

    12. Your friends have kids, so you don't have to.

    13. Staying in more saves tons of money.

    14. You know that saving $50 is not worth taking the shittiest flight schedule ever.

    15. Saying "no" to stuff you don't want to do now comes with 0% remorse.

    16. Waking up early on a weekend day is actually pretty awesome.

    17. Instead of playing beer pong, you unwind by looking at furniture online.

    18. FOMO is (mostly) a thing of the past.

    19. You've always wanted to go to a make your own terrarium workshop, anyway.

    20. Spending a whole evening researching garlic presses on Amazon doesn't require leaving your bed.

    21. You don't vape because it looks cool, but because it's better for your lungs.

    22. No one thinks your comfy-shoe choice is weird.

    23. You realize the life-changing power of the giant ice cube tray.

    24. Botanical gardens are awesome.

    25. You're actually far enough away from being a kid to be able to sigh, "Kids these days."