Ina Garten Has A Fuss-Free Way Of Cutting Corn You Need To See

    So simple and smart. How easy is that?

    Just about everyone knows who Ina Garten is. She's the cookbook author and TV host with a serious cult following — and for good reason!

    And everyone knows that when Ina suggests a cooking shortcut, it's for a good reason.

    So when Ina posted a video to her Instagram page demonstrating her favorite way to cut fresh corn without making a mess, people took notice. 👀

    "When the corn is in season in East Hampton," says Garten, "I love to make corn salad and sautéed corn. But how do you get the kernels off the corn cob without getting them all over your kitchen?"

    Her hack? Cut the corn on top of a clean dish towel so you can just bundle it all up and transfer the kernels into a bowl when you're done cutting.

    While the hack itself is pretty simple, it's rather genius and will save yourself from having to clean up a bunch of kernels that would otherwise fly all over the place.

    Once you've used this handy trick, you can go ahead and make one of Garten's recipes like her fresh corn salad and put it to use.