All Of "Veronica Mars" Is Now Streaming On Hulu, So I Know What I'll Be Doing All Month

    I beg you to binge before Season 4 streams on July 26!

    Everybody remembers their first time...binge-watching Veronica Mars. Mine was apparently a decade ago already?

    officially obsessed with veronica mars.


    It is, in a word, epic.

    And now, all three seasons are ~officially~ streaming on Hulu!!!!!

    I'm genuinely overcome with pure joy (and slight jealousy) that a whole new wave of viewers will be able to experience the show for the first time.

    Every bit of hype you've ever heard about the show? IT LIVES THE EFF UP TO IT.

    PSA world's greatest teen drama featuring strongest female protagonist (Veronica Mars) now streaming on Hulu, you're welcome!

    It really is a PERFECT show.

    Kristen Bell is an absolute national treasure in it and, honestly, deserved an Emmy for her work.

    BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. On July 26, Hulu is also gifting us with a brand new, long overdue fourth season of EIGHT BEAUTIFUL NEW EPISODES.

    Believe me when I say I AM HY-PER-VEN-TI-LATING!!!!!!!!

    Okay, well, in the time I've written this post I could have been watching Veronica Mars, so if you need me you know what I'll be doing for the rest of eternity.