Monica, Rachel, And Phoebe Hanging Out The '90s Vs. Now

    The One With All The Selfies.

    It's 2019, and I'm pleased to report Phoebe, Monica, and Rachel are still hanging out.

    Then: Chilling in wedding dresses, drinking beers!

    Now: Blurry selfies on girls night!

    Then: Wild nights featuring George Stephanopoulos!

    Now: Wild nights featuring Snapchat filters!

    Then: Extremeeeely '90s closeups featuring really pretty eyes.

    Now: Extreeeemely 2019 selfies featuring really pretty eyes.

    Then: Bad haircuts!

    Now: Bad makeup!

    Then: So much pain!

    Now: So much joy!

    In conclusion, I loved them then...

    ...and, by gosh, I love them now.