The Inspiration Behind "The Haunting Of Bly Manor" Explained

    The Haunting of Bly Manor actually has a happier ending! Warning: contains spoilers.

    The Haunting of Bly Manor, like The Haunting of Hill House, is based on an iconic classic horror story — or rather, several of them.

    The Haunting of Bly Manor still: Dani, Hannah and Miles sit around the dining table; Owen and Flora walk through the doorway with food; the plague doctor ghost stands in the shadows in the corner

    The Haunting of Bly Manor uses the same framing device as The Turn of the Screw — a person telling a ghost story to a gathering of friends.

    The Haunting of Bly Manor still: An older Jamie raises her glass to toast at the wedding

    Both stories are about a young woman who is hired by a wealthy man to look after his niece and nephew at his country house, Bly.

    Still from the Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani stands in the garden at night, sweaty and upset, looking back towards the house

    The story of Miss Jessel and Peter Quint is pretty similar in both The Haunting of Bly Manor and The Turn of the Screw.

    The Haunting of Bly Manor still: Peter Quint gives Flora a bunch of roses as Miss Jessel and Miles look on

    But as we've mentioned, The Turn of the Screw isn't the only book that The Haunting of Bly Manor is based on. Another James story, "The Romance of Certain Old Clothes," was also inspiration.

    The Haunting of Bly Manor still: in black and white, Perdita and Viola sisters stand in period clothes symbolizing mourning

    Henry Wingrave's "haunting", meanwhile, is partly inspired by James' story "The Jolly Corner."

    The Haunting of Bly Manor still: Henry Wingrave lies on a couch looking up

    Hannah's dedicated candle lighting habit seems to be inspired by James' "The Altar of the Dead."

    Still from The Haunting of Bly Manor: Hannah prays in front of lit candles at the chapel

    Finally, Dani's fate seems very loosely inspired by "The Beast in the Jungle."

    The Haunting of Bly Manor still: Jamie comforts an upset Dani in the kitchen of their apartment

    All of these stories have The Haunting of Bly Manor episodes named after them, and there are several other James stories that are referred to very briefly or given nods in episode titles: "The Great, Good Place," "The Pupil," "The Two Faces," and "The Way It Came".

    The Haunting of Bly Manor still: Peter Quint wraps one arm around Rebecca Jessel and holds up a polaroid camera focused on them with his other arm

    And while characters like Owen and Jamie are entirely inventions for the show, Owen's name — and the name of the Wingrave family — is taken from Owen Wingrave.

    The Haunting of Bly Manor still: close up of Owen with a frown on his face