19 Famous Quotes That Make No Sense To Anyone Outside Australia

    Only Australians know that Rhondas are hot, Jans cause unhappiness and Muriels are terrible.

    1. "Don't chop the dinosaur, Daddy!"

    A little girl looks horrified; the caption reads "don't chop the dinosaur daddy!"

    2. "Not happy Jan!"

    A woman leans out a window yelling; the caption reads "not happy Jan!"

    3. "Look at moi, ploise."

    Kath says "look at moi ploise" to Kim while Sharon stands between them in their kitchen

    4. "Hot like a sunrise."

    Ketut says "look so hot today, like a sunrise"

    5. "You're terrible, Muriel."

    Joanie looks through a door says "you're terrible Muriel"

    6. "Game on, moll."

    Jordan says "Game on Moll"

    7. "Rack off!"

    Con tells Nick to rack off in front of a brick wall

    8. "The rains are 'ere!"

    A man stands on a porch with his hand held out with the caption "Marge! The rains are 'ere!"

    9. "To keep the rabbits out."

    A man drives a car with the caption "to keep the rabbits out"

    10. "No Gary, no!"

    A football team stands in the street yelling "no Gary no"

    11. "I said pet."

    Lynne smokes a cigarette and says "I said pet"

    12. "She goes, she goes, she goes..."

    Kylie Mole saying "she goes, she goes, she goes"

    13. "Lock it in, Eddie."

    Eddie McGuire sits on the "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" set with the caption "lock it in Eddie"

    14. "Straight to the pool room."

    Darryl Kerrigan tells Tracey "this is going straight to the pool room"

    15. "Upside down, upside down."

    Blackboard, Mr Squiggle, and a woman stand on a set that looks like a boat with the caption "upside down, upside down"

    16. "I say, Arthur."

    Maggie talks to Arthur, the caption reads "I say, Arthur"

    17. "Rootable."

    Debbie and Sue stand in the street dressed up with a caption that says "rootable"

    18. "Son, can I bend your ear for a tick?"

    Doug looks sad; the caption reads "son, can I bend your ear for a tick?"

    19. And finally, "Low fat, no fat, full cream..."

    A woman stands in front of a milk fridge and says "low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light, skim, omega 3, high calcium with vitamin D and folate, or extra dollop?"