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    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    45 Little Ways To Add A Bit Of Luxury To Your Everyday Life

    Because you don't have to fly to Paris or buy designer bags — adding bits of glamour to your everyday life will create that same special feeling.

    1. Place a spa-esque towel warmer in your bathroom so you always have a steaming hot towel at the ready when you get out of the shower to warm you right up. Your body won't even have the CHANCE to get cold.

    the light blue towel warmer in a reviewer's bathroom
    three towels rolled up inside the towel warmer

    It can fit up to two oversized bath towels and heats up in just one minute, with a built-in auto-off feature for safety. You can throw your PJs in here, too, to warm them up before bed! This particular towel warmer also comes in some adorable colors, like light blue and pink. 

    Get a closer look at it on TikTok!

    Promising review: "So, I am one of those people that usually runs colder than most. I get out of the shower, and am usually FREEZING even with a towel wrapped around me. THIS CHANGED THE GAME!! I put my towel in before my shower (I like 15–20 minutes to heat it), and when I pull it out, it is warm throughout the entire towel and if I leave the lid off after pulling out my towel (I've turned off the machine at this point) the residual heat helps to heat the room. Since I have gotten this towel warmer, I have recommended it to almost every person in my family. I LOVE IT!! So worth it!! Update: The husband has also taken to using it for every shower. STILL so in love!" —Sara

    Get it from Amazon for $99.99+ (available in five colors).

    2. And replace those old shabby bath towels from college with oversized waffle-weave bath towels that are both lightweight and ultra-absorbent, similar to what you'd find at a spa. They dry *much* faster than the heavy plush kind, and you'll feel more luxurious every time you towel off with one. 

    the four white waffle weave towels folded up in a pile
    two of the white waffle weave towels hanging in a bathroom

    Promising reviews: "These towels are large and the thickest towels we ever had, and I'm talking about the most expensive hotels we ever stayed at. I would imagine after dozens and dozens of washing and bleaching these towels may equal those used at the Waldorf-Astoria and the Plaza in New York City. You won't find much lint on your lint trap after drying. These will last a lifetime!!!" —PS

    "Just finished washing towels and not one speck of lint! Just what I wanted. These towels are not plushy. They are quick dry, so they're textured and a lighter weight than a traditional thick plush towel. It is exactly what I wanted. In Europe they use towels like this because many homes do not have dryers; everything is line-dried. The thick plushy towels don’t dry well and easily get musty and odorous. These are A+++." —Sammi

    Get a pack of four from Amazon for $39.99 (available in three colors and other packs). 

    3. Swap out that old bath mat that stays sopping wet (and starts to ~smell~) long after you shower for a luxe stone bath mat. It's designed to absorb water *and* dry quickly — almost like magic — to eliminate moisture buildup and bad smells, a common problem with regular everyday bath mats. No risk of slipping on the wet bathroom floor or feeling that uncomfortable ~moistness~, AND the sleek modern look will add a little extra something to your b-room as well. 

    the gray stone bath mat

    This sustainable product is made out of diatomaceous earth and recycled paper! 

    My boyfriend recently upgraded his bathroom with these, so I've been able to test them out in person. And I have to say, it really is just like how one reviewer described it: like the water is basically being sucked off your feet — and then the mats themselves dry super quickly, almost like magic. They're definitely a bit smaller than I anticipated (my partner ended up getting several and positioning them together) but since they work *so* well at drying your feet, you also don't need a ton of surface area. The dimensions (just so you know, in case you want to grab two) are 26.5" x 15.4". 

    Get a closer look at the white version on TikTok!

    Promising review: "This is our second Dorai bath stone; we are adding them to all of our bathrooms. This design and usefulness of this product is undisputed. We no longer have water on our floors, reducing the chance of slipping on wet floors. These need to be in every home in the US." —B. Henricks

    Get it from Amazon for $64 (available in four styles and in two-packs). 

    4. Invest in pretty cups that'll make drinking your morning cappuccino, evening tea, or ~fancy~ cocktails feel even more meaningful. Who said they have to only be for special occasions??

    5. And pick up a gorgeous Grosche moka pot, aka a stovetop espresso maker, if you've been *dying* to whip up some delicious lattes and other ~fancy~ coffee drinks at home but aren't as excited at the thought of shelling out hundreds for an espresso machine. It's super easy to use, has a durable stone finish, and comes in some gorgeous shades, including speckled pink, gray, and mint. 

    the red moka pot heating up on a stove
    a latte made using espresso from the moka pot

    Check it out on TikTok! The reviewer demonstrates how they use it on the stove for making espresso for their lattes. 

    Promising review: "Greatest purchase in the last five years!!! I have always been a coffee drinker but I recently purchased a moka pot to make iced espressos during the summer. Quickly it became an everyday thing! I love this moka pot more than any other item in my kitchen other than my actual coffee pot brewer! I had bought a cheap one elsewhere and that lasted about three weeks before falling apart. I spent a little more money for a quality product and have never looked back! I recommend this particular moka pot as it was slightly more than the cheap ones but less than some of the bigger name brands. It has lasted me two and a half years now without ever giving me a problem. Definitely a customer for life." —A. Arvy

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in 12 colors and four sizes). 

    6. Instead of scooping into your regular sugar jar, use sugar cubes to sweeten your coffee or tea, especially if you're serving it to others. I mean, look at them — they're just delightful. Bonus points if you store them in a pretty container and serve with tongs.

    sugar cubes in a reviewer's hand

    7. Elegantly display jewelry, perfume, or other items on a gold decorative mirror, which works *so* beautifully as a tray. Alternate idea: Make an entire gallery wall of vintage-y mirrors (as pictured below), which will make your space feel bigger too! This low-key looks like something out of Beauty and the Beast and I'm here for it.

    perfume and other small items on a white and gold mirror being used as a tray
    the white and gold versions of the mirror hung on a wall next to art and other mirrors as a sort of gallery wall

    You can see it in this TikTok rounding up Amazon home must-haves! And check out more affordable mirrors like this if you're planning to replicate the gallery wall look above. 

    Promising review: "The mirror looks exactly like the pictures and was an absolute STEAL. So glad I found this. It's the perfect size for me to easily see my shoulders from just holding it an arms length away! It's super lightweight, so don't worry about it being too heavy for the nail. It came completely undamaged! Looks super vintage and great for doing hairstyles and makeup in! It can also be a jewelry dish if you're into that kind of thing." —Rhonda Farias

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in two colors and in two-packs).

    8. Make your bed feel more luxurious without splurging on real silk with an affordable (but bougie-feeling) set of satin pillowcases, which are good for your hair and skin *and* stay refreshingly cool so you're not constantly flipping to the other side of the pillow. Satin pillowcases help prevent breakage, frizz, and tangles in your hair, and your skin will feel happier too since these won't dry it out. 

    model rubbing their face on a white satin pillow
    the white satin pillowcase on a reviewer's bed

    These have a hidden zipper so your pillow stays put and doesn't slip out!

    Check them out on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I really love this pillowcase! Not only is it super cute, but it really does what it's supposed to as far as preserving your hair overnight. As a member of the Natural Hair Community, a satin pillowcase is a MUST and this pillowcase really gets the job done! It really helps to retain the moisture in Black hair and keeps my kinky curly hair from being all over the place when I wake up. That is really beneficial for me because I'm a wild sleeper and having this pillowcase just makes it that much easier to tame my hair because it is not as dry as it would be from a regular pillowcase. I've also had no problems with washing it and it still keeping up. I've thrown it in the regular washer and dryer a couple of times, and it's still durable, satiny, and the color is not washed or faded. I definitely recommend this pillowcase for all hair types, but especially ones in the 3a-4c range." —Morgan123ThatsMe

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.79 (available in 21 colors, three sizes, and in one-packs).

    9. Infuse your water with lemons, berries, mint leaves, ginger, or other ingredients — it'll kick up the flavor, yes, but it'll also make you feel ridiculously fancy (it's the little things, OK!!). This genius water bottle has a built-in infuser (!) that makes this process SO easy (no seeds or pulp will slip into your drinking water), and it even has handy time markers on the side to keep you on top of your hydration schedule. 

    BuzzFeeder holding the water bottle, which has a center compartment filled with sliced fruit
    reviewer holding the fruit-infuser water bottle upside down to show that it doesn't leak
    Britt Ross / BuzzFeed,

    It comes with an insulation sleeve, cleaning brush, and recipe booklet!

    My former colleague Britt Ross says, "I am one of those people who has, until recently, gone through life thinking, 'Why would I drink water when there are other beverages that actually taste good to be had?' Well, I received this gizmo as a birthday gift from my water-loving husband as a not-so-subtle hint to change my ways, and lo and behold, it's been a revelation. I often have lemon remnants left over from cooking and baking, and they're the perfect things to throw into the infuser section of the bottle to liven things up. It's amazing what a little fruitiness can do — I can guzzle a whole bottle easily! Plus, it's much easier to clean than you'd think (each section comes apart and there's an included brush!), and there's a grippy section on the side so it doesn't slip out of your hand. Oh, and did I mention it has not ever leaked?! 10/10, no notes, buy it NOW!!!"

    Promising review: "This is my new obsession! I can’t believe how much joy a little thing like this can bring, but I just love it! I love experimenting with new fruit and herb combos (orange/blackberry/mint, and lemon/ cucumber are my favorites so far). I drink much more water now, and my skin is glowing! And it's so cheap but feels so fancy. Buy it, of course!" —Kindle Customer 1

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in six colors).

    10. Cover your sunniest windows in prismatic film, hang crystal ball suncatchers, or place smaller window clings (or a combination of all three!) — because there's nothing quite like the effect dancing rainbows of light have on a room.

    11. Treat yourself to a good face mask at least once a week — because self-care is NOT overrated — like this TikTok-popular bubbly clay mask that's designed to deep clean your pores and help remove blackheads, but also it'll foam up to make your face look like a cloud!! Now that's just fun. 

    Check out a TikTok of the foaming mask in action.

    Promising review: "I love this stuff! I received some for a gift and then purchased it for my daughter from Amazon. It feels like a clay mask going on, and then starts bubbling and turns to a thinner substance when it's done. I feel like it is very gentle on my face. My skin feels amazing after I wash it off. It feels like I used moisturizer, even though I did not. I hear that these masks are very popular in Japan." —L. Shea

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    12. Add scent booster every time you do laundry to spread this incredibly fresh scent (formulated with grapefruit and tangerine essential oils) to your clothes, sheets, and towels. It'll make them smell deliciously fresh when they come out and add a little ~luxury~ to your laundry routine. 

    model pouring a bit of the scent booster into their laundry
    Capri Blue

    It's featured in this TikTok!

    Promising reviews: "I read many reviews of the volcano scent booster and knew I had to try it to freshen up my laundry. I’m so glad I tried it because I love the scent and my laundry smells divine, and so far it really seems to last. It’s out of stock often from what I gather, so I bought two to start with and all set for a while now. I love this stuff and will definitely be repurchasing as needed." —Kelli E.

    "I am in love with this scent booster! I have sensitive skin and always thought I couldn't use scented laundry items, but no issues! Particularly love on my towels and bed linens, but also when I wash dog beds and kid backpacks :) in addition to my clothes. Love!!" —Melissa D.

    Get it from Capri Blue for $22

    13. Replace your rough, wrinkled duvet cover with a shaggy faux-fur one lined with soft velvet on the underside. With bedding this luxurious, who could blame you for wanting to hibernate...the whole year.

    a white shaggy faux fur duvet cover on a bed

    14. And invest in a pair of hotel-quality pillows because your head spends 8+ hours a day laying on them — you deserve better than the sad, flat ones you've had since college. These cloud-like pillows are filled with plush gel fiber that provides just the right amount of support. If you've ever wish you could bring those fancy hotel pillows home with you can.

    the beckham hotel pillows on a bed

    15. And speaking of hotels: Make your bed feel as luxurious as the one you slept in on vacation with set of breathable, cooling bed sheets. Silky soft, breathable, and cooling, these popular sheets feel ~expensive~ but aren't, with over 220,000 (!) 5-star ratings backing up their incredible value.

    White bed sheets on a bed with matching pillows

    16. Line your bedroom drawers with elegant floral-patterned scented paper. They'll make you smile every time you catch a glimpse of them underneath your clothes, and reviewers say they have the loveliest smell, too.

    Promising reviews: "I am very pleased with these scented drawer liners! They are perfect for my bedroom chest of drawers. The paper is heavy and the scent is wonderful. I love it! I may buy them as gifts." —Jennifer

    "This is a traditional scented drawer liner paper — the kind people used for decades before modern adhesive (plastic) papers — and it's beautiful. I purchased the royal bloom scent and it smells like fresh pears. The paper comes in a tight roll and I suggest reverse rolling or laying it flat and weighing it down for a night before installing it. I very much prefer non-adhesive paper like this because it is easy to install and replace, but also because it is old-school elegance." —Trillium

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in three patterns).

    17. Fill that empty corner with an artificial olive tree, because it's undeniable that greenery elevates your space, but who wants to shell out for a large floor plant that might not thrive? Whether you have nibbling-prone pets or didn't exactly inherit a "green thumb," this faux tree adds beauty minus the stress and upkeep of a real plant, and reviewers say it makes a nice swap for pricier options at Pottery Barn and West Elm. 

    reviewer's olive tree in the corner of a bedroom
    closeup of the olive tree branches and fake olives

    Reviewers say it's quite top-heavy, so just make sure to support it at the bottom with blankets, rocks, or something else heavy. You'll want to move it onto a larger pot or basket too for a more natural look — this woven seagrass basket is a popular pick!

    You can see a similar one from Amazon on TikTok

    Promising review: "Bought this after reading the reviews. I am picky when it comes to artificial plants. I am VERY happy with it. I love the look of it in my room. Very real-looking and had it unboxed and in place very quickly. I would highly recommend it." —Nancy W. 

    Get it from Amazon for $74.99+ (available in three sizes). 

    18. Treat yourself to fresh flowers that you can display in an ~aesthetic~ vase, because whether you're single or in a relationship, you don't need to wait for anyone else to surprise you with a bouquet (*cue "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus*). 💐 Currently obsessed with this chic transparent book vase, appropriately titled The Mystery of Growth.

    19. Start your day feeling like you just got a pricey facial by using an ice roller, which you can keep in your fridge or freezer, then take out as needed to give your face a chilled massage and reduce puffiness and under-eye circles. 

    Reviewer using the ice roller on their face
    Reviewer holding ice roller to their face

    Stick it in the freezer, apply your favorite moisturizer on your face, and then sweep the roller all over. Reviewers also swear by this migraines and cooling down on hot days, so it's multitalented.

    Watch how it's used by one reviewer to address morning eye puffiness on TikTok!

    Promising review: "I was skeptical about this product. I wasn't sure how it was much different than rolling any other frozen thing on your body. I'm beyond pleasantly surprised. I've used it for sinus pain, migraines, swollen neck glands, under-eye circles/bags, inflamed acne, TMJ pain, etc. Not to mention, when I used it on my face, it leaves my skin feeling tight and wakes me up in the mornings. It also stays cold for forever but never sweats or leaves water behind. It's like magic. I also bought one for my mom who suffers from nerve damage in her arms and legs. I think it'll really help when she has bad pain days." —Jessica McRee

    Get it from Amazon for $15.19+ (available in 12 colors, including bundles with two types of rollers).

    20. And pamper your dry skin with a portable facial humidifier that'll deliver a concentrated dose of moisture, leaving your skin so ~dewy~, people will think you just got a facial. It can even help with sinus congestion and allergies!

    21. Organize your fridge using clear bins if you saw the inside of Kris Jenner's fridge(s) and were like, "Honestly, slay." This popular organization tactic won't just make your fridge look like something out of a magazine, though; it'll *also* help you get through all that expensive food you bought before it goes bad thanks to the clear design that lets you see everything at a glance. 

    Reviewer image of clear plastic bins with handles on them and fruit inside in a fridge
    another reviewer's fridge organized using the bins, which they've labeled

    You can use these in your pantry too!

    Promising reviews: "If you watch all those TikTok videos that show people taking care of their fridge with perfect organization, these are definitely the storage units to start with! I personally love organization and wish I could use more of these in the fridge but my family doesn’t agree so…they can absolutely be used in other areas of the home as well!" —Aysha Mirza

    "Ok, I'm a bit of an over-organizer (if there is such a thing). But my refrigerator was seriously lacking in organization. These beauties did the trick. No more fruit rolling around, grapes being crushed, cheese sticks everywhere, cold cuts hiding. I love them. And they make keeping the refrigerator clean easy, pop them out and rinse." —DLWH

    Get a set of eight bins for $19.98 (also available in other sets). 

    22. Swap out those boring white light switch covers for something a little more exciting — like these groovy and glam archway light switch covers. It's such an easy (and rental-friendly) way to add more color and personality to your space. 

    the brown and tan colored rocker switch cover
    the pink and blue single-switch light cover

    MindFlowers is a woman-owned small biz creating '60s- and '70s-inspired clothing, accessories, and home decor. Her psychedelic designs are meant to empower any and everybody with a focus on eco-friendly production. Check out some of the gorgeous designs for these light switch covers + how easily they're installed in this TikTok!

    Promising review: "These light switch covers are SO cute! And they're completely unlike anything I've seen before from other stores. I've always wanted to upgrade my light switch covers to something more colorful and exciting but couldn't find anything I loved or that really matched my style. These are PERFECT. And so high quality! They're thicker than normal/standard light switch covers so I was happy to see that longer screws were included to install them. Shipping took a long time but I wasn't in a rush and they were worth the wait." —Kayla H. 

    Get it from MindFlowers for $45+ (available in 10 switch types and 16 color schemes with customization available). 

    23. Upgrade your staircase with *very* little effort using stair riser decals so you can treat yourself (and any visitors) to a little art show on your way up. Available in a glossy or matte finish and a variety of heights, these decals stick stick right on and can be removed just as easily. 

    the black and white tile decals on stairs
    the brown and tan patterned decals on stairs
    Bleucoin / Etsy

    Get a closer look at these and how easily they're applied on TikTok!

    Bleucoin is a small shop based in India that sells a stylish variety of decals for walls, stairs, tile, and more.

    Promising review: "I’m the biggest skeptic and also the most critical of imperfections...and I give this product a 100% approval! Super-high-quality materials, the colors are vibrant and the patterns are gorgeous, soooo easy to install (like ridiculously easy), and the shipping was lightning fast. Excellent communication by seller. I will totally be purchasing from them again!" —kurstinhollenbeck

    Get them from Bleucoin on Etsy: the Warsaw tile design (left) for $9.58+ or the Hanover design (right) for $9.58+ (available in 11 sizes and matte or glossy finishes). And check out their store page for more designs!

    24. And apply removable wallpaper with bright colors or bold patterns for contrast in a room that's currently pretty plain or neutral-colored. It'll bring the whole area to life, and it's commitment-free — you're not locked in if you decide to switch up your aesthetic again down the road!

    25. Invest in a quality pair of silk pajamas that are luxuriously soft and breathable — one reviewer even says they feel like being naked — with a slouchy oversized fit that won't feel suffocating. The best part: they're machine-washable!

    26. And treat your feet to a popular pair of criss-cross faux fur slippers that'll make you feel so fancy when you're drinking your morning coffee or relaxing in the evening. Reviewers swear these are cozy and warm despite the open-toe design, which also allows for circulation so your feet don't get sweaty, and their waterproof, anti-slip soles mean you can step outside in them too.

    27. Reach for a chunky-heeled designer lookalike when you want to add a little extra drama to your formal 'fit or for a night out on the town. Covered in satin with rhinestones on the straps, these beauties will help you make a statement, and according to reviewers, they're pretty comfortable with great quality for the price!

    reviewer wearing the black heels with a dress
    closeup of a reviewer wearing the pink heel

    Promising reviews: "These are the cutest platforms ever!!!!!! They're super comfortable and easy to walk in. Run, don't walk to get a pair. They're perfect for date night." —Janita joseph

    "Baby goooorl... March yourself into the checkout browser because these are so, so, so good!! They're really comfortable, which I wasn't expecting at all except for the ankle strap, but I think that's because I'm sensitive??? The height was something I was a little scared of, but they're so easy to walk in I suppose the platform cancels out a portion of the heel. Obviously, they're not perfect, but if you want that, you should probably go talk to Versace with $1,800 in your pocket." —Anika

    Get them from Amazon for $45.77+ (available in women's sizes 4–10.5 and seven colors).

    28. Slip a velvet cover over that stained couch you inherited from an old roommate and try out a new, chic color for relatively cheap! This one has nonslip straps that hold it in place even when rambunctious kiddos and energetic pups put it to the test. You get separate covers for each cushion, which is what makes it look so natural (don't worry, we won't tell).

    29. Inject a bit of fancy spa resort energy into your bathroom by swapping in waterfall faucets.

    30. And make your showers feel just as fancy when you install a high-pressure rainfall showerhead with an adjustable extension arm so you can set your preferred angle and height.

    31. Then hang a bundle of fresh eucalyptus in your shower to provide some luxe-feeling aromatherapy when it steams up with your shower steam. Also, it just LOOKS nice.

    A bundle of eucalyptus hanging from a shower head

    32. Add a little bling to your cabinets with gold cabinet pulls, which look so sophisticated, visitors will be asking for the number of your interior designer.

    33. Give new life to that old, scratched-up desk, vanity, or bathroom counter by resurfacing it with a waterproof, stain-resistant faux marble granite adhesive. It's *significantly* cheaper and quicker than a full remodeling, and you're not married to the final result if you change your mind down the road, as it peels off easily without leaving damage.

    34. Bring an interesting flair to plain walls and doors with premade wall panels that add just a dash of elegance without being distracting.

    35. Hang a bed canopy to make your bedroom feel like even more of cozy sanctuary, add a lil' extra privacy, too, and lounge like the absolute royalty you are 👑.

    36. And make your bed feel even *more* like the height of luxury by setting up a velvet tufted headboard in a gorgeous color. If you really want to feel like you're living in the world of Bridgerton, pick up a matching bench for the foot of the bed to tie this gorgeous look together.

    37. Add a vintage-y touch to your garage doors with decorative hinges you can admire every time you get home for the day. They attach magnetically and add that classic carriage house style.

    A customer review before and after photo showing garage door with and without the hinges

    38. Opt for elegant sheer curtains instead of dark, heavy ones to help brighten up a room and let that good sunlight stream in. It helps make the room feel bigger, too!

    Reviewer's living room with sheer curtains hung on each window that creates a light air vibe

    39. Or pair them with gorgeous velvet curtains that'll give any room a chic, polished look while also insulating to keep a room cool thanks to their thermal lining. Reviewers rave about the weighty luxurious feel of these. 

    velvet mustard yellow curtains hung in a room
    the same type of curtains hung in a bedroom over a window

    Get a closer look at these on TikTok!

    Note that the listing describes these as "blackout" curtains, but some light may still filter through if you get a lighter color.

    Promising review: "Gorgeous, gorgeous gorgeous!!! I did a lot of homework on finding the perfect curtains for our new home addition. I needed a lot of them, something pretty, full and good insulation. It could get very expensive, these were more than I could have wanted, and at such a great price...I ended up getting the longer ones because they cost less (I needed 12 panels). As a result of longer ones, they are fuller on the bottom, look so lovely and I get all the compliments. My mom is a designer and I grew up being particular about fabric and how things are made, these are well-constructed and have gorgeous lining, lots of detail put into these, thank you!! Also, they are true to color ;)" —Mrs.

    Get them from Amazon for $42+ (available in 32 colors and nine sizes).

    40. Bring ambient lighting into your home so you don't have to rely on those harsh overhead lights, like under-cabinet lighting for the kitchen to accentuate the backsplash *and* keep you from fumbling around at night.

    These under-the-cabinet lights are battery-powered and come with a remote that will allow you to power them on and off, change their intensity, and set them to be motion-activated.

    Promising review: "I just remodeled my kitchen and wanted lights under my cabinets to give it a cozy feel. I wanted something easy to install but effective. These lights are great! You can adjust the brightness and can even put them on a timer so they turn off on their own after 15, 30, or 60 minutes. They come with a sticky tape to attach to cabinets but I also added sticky back Velcro and they have stayed on perfectly. The company sent me an email offering any assistance if I should need it. I absolutely LOVE them and would recommend." —Lisa Corey

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $21.99 (also available in packs of two or six, including a style with color lighting). 

    41. Give yourself a boost of serotonin every time you go to the bathroom by swapping that old bar of soap for a bottle of foaming hand soap that isn't your average hand soap, oh no. No, what is does is pump soap in the shape of a cute lil' paw or flower (!!). It also pumps up vertically into your hand when you push down on the top, so you only need one hand to use it! I mean, upgrading everyday items like hand soap really is the smallest way to grant yourself a bit of luxury. 

    A BuzzFeed editor's hand with a soap sud in the shape of a flower on their palm
    Editor using the dispenser to put the soap on their hand
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed Shopping writer Emma Lord uses this fun, floral soap and says, "Not only is it super hydrating for my hands (LOL @ constantly hand-washing now and forever!), but the yuzu scent is also just calming and lovely, and I'm obsessed with how light and frothy the foaming suds are from the soap."

    Promising review: "I will admit, I first saw this soap on TikTok and thought that it would be a nice soap to try since I do seem to be washing my hands all the time these days. I was so excited when I received it to give it a try, really just to see the pretty foam flower. I was very pleasantly surprised when I pushed down (twice) to get the foam to come out. Not only is the flower cute, but the foam is thick and luxurious and makes your hands feel totally moisturized after you wash them. The smell is very pretty and not overpowering at all. My teenager loves it too and is now finally washing her hands more like she is supposed to. I bought them for every bathroom in the house as well as the kitchen. I almost don't want to recommend it so they don't run out of stock!" —Audra Williams

    Get it from Amazon for $18 (also available in a paw print shape, and with refills).

    42. Incorporate a jade roller and gua sha tool into your skincare routine. They may look beautiful and Insta-worthy, but they're not just for show — these popular beauty tools can help reduce puffiness, tighten skin, improve blood circulation, and can even provide relief from headaches and sinus congestion. Few beauty tools feel like pampering yourself as much as this trusty duo.

    43. Set a good hour aside for a relaxing bath with a tub caddy that'll inspire you to pull out all the stops: candles, a cold glass of wine, a bath bomb, and a good novel (or Netflix).

    Reviewer image of a bath caddy with wine, candle, and a book on it

    44. Or if you're more of a shower person, keep a jar of whipped shower icing nearby that feels as indulgent as gourmet dessert, except this "icing" goes on your body! Each one of these jars are filled with layers of soapy ~frosting~ with a creamy whipped texture that both cleanses and moisturizes as you lather it on.

    45. Then wrap up in a splurge-worthy Barefoot Dreams robe reviewers rave about for its luxurious softness and cozy warmth. You'll probably want to wear it all day and pretend you're living at a day spa.

    Time to sit back, relax, and enjoy life's little luxuries. 😌