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Literally Just 22 Hilarious Tweets About Olympic Swimming

"They need to throw one regular person in the Olympic swimming pool lanes for context."


I'm on the Michael Phelps diet minus the swimming


Walked into the gym and Men's Swimming was on. Audibly gasped and said "oh my" in front of a bunch of dudes with basketballs 👸


Oh you like swimming???? Name three songs


I don't mean to be an elitist but it'd be awfully nice to see just one Olympics swimming competition take place in seltzer


"What was it like swimming in the Olympics?" -- Ryan Seacrest, who made $5 million for asking this question


REPORTER: What was your strategy? SWIMMER: I tried to swim as fast as possible.


i've got no time for sportsball, or as you jocks all call it, "swimming"


america dominates swimming but can't win at video games we really need to look at ourselves as a nation when it comes to priorities


Losing in swimming would be awful. Not only do you lose but you get splashed by the winner. Getting splashed sucks even when you're happy.


someone teach me to flirt like these Chinese people commenting on Olympic swimmer Ning Zetao's Weibo pictures


I dont like how the freestyle is everyone swimming the same. I wanna see muthafuckas backstroking and doing the worm. It's freestyle


Michael Phelps is the Katie Ledecky of men’s swimming.


Why do we have different swimming strokes in the Olympics? It would be like if we had the 100m dash and then the 100m goofy trot.


Don't even pretend to tell me that Olympic swimming wouldn't be just a little more interesting if they had spearguns and sharks in the pool.


"Congratulations to the female swimmers on a great performance. But did you know men invented swimming? A man investigates." - NBC probably


Olympic swimming is really impressive to me cause there's no other sport that would literally kill me if I tried.


The swimming events are here to remind us how weird humans look without ears.


They need to throw one regular person in the olympic swimming pool lanes for context


How do you date an Olympic swimmer asking for a friend


fantasy of screwing Olympic swimmer is ruined when you realize they're so hairless sleeping with them would be like sleeping with a dolphin


There's a Great Britain swimmer named Hannah Miley👀 She must have the best of both worlds 😂


surprised we have yet to see am olympic swimmer use the strategy of pooping in the pool during a race and forcing everyone to get out

Watch the American women led by Simone Biles in the Gymnastics Team Final tonight in primetime at 8pm ET on NBC.

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