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21 Little Everyday Changes To Make Your 2017 Even Better

Small changes that'll make a big difference.

We asked BuzzFeed Community what tiny changes they've made that made their life a little better. Here are some of the best answers:

1. Find a "third space" that makes you happy.

2. Take 15 minutes each night to make your mornings easier.

3. Spread the love.

4. Change your sheets.

5. Make a vision board.

6. Make time every day to do something to make you smile.

7. Spend time in the mornings setting yourself up for the day.

8. Embrace loose-leaf tea.

9. Allocate yourself guilt-free days off to just do nothing.

10. Celebrate your wins.

11. Face your fears.

12. Love yourself.

13. Put pen to paper.

14. Exercise in the morning.

15. Keep a list of things that make you happy.

16. Enjoy the sun.

17. Go to therapy.

18. Craft yourself a to-do list.

19. Don't let your phone wake you up.

20. Have a day off social media every now and then.

21. Make your bed.

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