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19 "Hate To See It" Home Design Trends Making A Comeback With Gen Z

Can we please agree to leave inflatable sofas in the past?

1. Inflatable furniture

A teen sits on a shiny pink inflatable chair, with yellow earphones in and holding a walkman

2. Open kitchen shelving

Kitchen cabinets filled with plates, bowls and mugs, but the cabinets have no door

3. Hanging ball chairs

A round chair hanging from the ceiling, in a modern living room with a grey wooden sofa

4. Carpeted bathrooms

a bathroom interior showing a sunken blue tub and wall to wall yellow shag carpeting

5. All-white interiors

A white couch, set on a white rug with white walls and flooring

6. Bean bag chairs

A girl sits in a big round bean bag cushion chair

7. Chalkboard walls

A woman stands in a kitchen, writing in chalk on a large blackboard wall

8. Beaded curtains

A woman parts a curtain made up of many hanging strands of beads.

9. Color-coded bookshelves

A shelf where all the books are grouped by their color

10. Wooden kitchen signs

Wooden signs hanging on a wall in the kitchen reading "can't touch this", "just beat it", "wok this way", and "whip it good"

11. Wooden pallets

A living room with timber floors, big warehouse windows - all the furniture including sofa, table, end table, and shelves are made from wooden pallets

12. Edison bulbs

Exposed lightbulbs hang from the ceiling

13. Circle bed

A circular white bed on a timber floor in a modern home

15. Mirrored ceiling

Mirrored ceiling

16. Conversation pits

A living room area with a large square recessed into the floor, surrounded by cushions and accessed by steps going down

17. Water beds

I've never laid on a water bed so I can't really vouch or discredit them, but there's something about these that just creep me out. They were super popular in the '80s — there are some modern versions — but they're few and far between.

18. Gallery walls

A living room with a bright orange sofa, the wall behind it is covered in photo frames

19. Fairy lights galore

A strand of lit fairy lights inside a glass Mason jar