18 Tips For Saving As Much Money As Possible When You Don't Earn A Lot

    "Save your hundreds and live off your twenties."

    Saving money is sometimes easier said than done. The advice we hear often feels like it speaks more to people who already have a high salary, so I recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community how they save money when they don't earn a lot.

    Here are their brilliant pieces of advice:

    And BTW, these tips are great to know regardless of your income! They're just especially helpful if you don't have much cash to begin with.

    1. Track how often you use subscriptions so you aren't paying for something you don't actually need.

    2. Think of contributing to your savings as paying a bill. That way, saving money doesn't become an after thought.

    A person holding a phone and going through a bill statement

    3. Say "no" to things that don't feel financially feasible — like equally splitting a restaurant bill when you ordered the least-expensive meal amongst your friends — and don't feel bad about it!

    4. Save money while shopping online by installing browser extensions to test coupon codes for you.

    5. If you have items you no longer use, try selling them instead of just letting them collect dust in the corner.

    A person taking a photo of a sweater they are selling

    6. Before you load up your cart with discounted products, remember that you only "save money" on sale items if you were going to buy them at full price anyway.

    7. Don't underestimate the value of a simple budget spreadsheet — it'll help you see if you're burning money on unnecessary items.

    A spreadsheet on a laptop

    8. And if you're a total budgeting beginner and find it overwhelming, use the 50/30/20 rule as your jumping off point.

    Jars labeled "car," "medical," and "pension" with coins inside

    9. Don't always snag an item at the first price you see. Visit different stores to see if you can find the same thing at a lower price.

    10. This may seem simple, but: just ask for a lower price.

    11. Don't spend your tax refund, if you can avoid it.

    Tax papers on a table

    12. Cook your meals at home as often as possible — especially if you'll pay significantly more going out for a meal that you could make yourself for way less.

    13. If you want to live more frugally, try only spending the small bills you come across and saving the larger bills.

    14. If you get an annual salary increase, don't treat the extra money as "fun money" — use it as an opportunity to bulk up your retirement fund or savings account.

    A person creating a budget with a calculator and piggy bank

    15. Determine a fixed amount of money to save from every single paycheck (even if it's just a few dollars).

    A person holding money and writing on a pad. A jar with cash inside

    16. To make sure you reaaally want to purchase an item, give yourself a day or two to sleep on it before hitting "checkout."

    17. Try the classic envelope strategy to budget your cash. This'll help you stay conscious of how much you're spending on particular expenses and cut back if you see your money dwindling.

    An envelope labeled "groceries" with cash inside

    18. Lastly, avoid using your debit card. Instead, try using cash so you're more conscious of the money you're spending.

    A person paying for coffee with a card

    Note: Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.