We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    29 Problem-Solving Products That'll Basically Feel Like A Trick, Because They Work So Well

    Trust me, these results are a real treat.

    1. The Pink Stuff all-purpose paste and spray (as seen on TikTok) that'll magically clean practically anything and everything in your home — and even in your closet! This potion in a paste reverses wall markings, cooked-on grease, soap scum, shoe scuffs, and whatever else that could use a little abracadabra alakazam.

    reviewer's oven covered in gunk
    same oven after using The Pink Stuff now completely clean

    Promising review: "WOW!!!! This stuff is amazing. I literally just have to spray it, let it sit for a few minutes, come back, and depending on what I’m using it for, I either wipe it and it comes right off, or I just use a scrubbing pad and it comes off. There’s nothing out there that is anywhere in comparison to this product!!!! This stuff is the absolute best. I highly recommend purchasing this. I can tell you that half of my cleaning products are now going to be thrown out because all I need is The Pink Stuff. Whoever invented this stuff is an absolute genius; if you’re a clean freak like me, this really is the way to go. Also it doesn’t have that nasty chemical smell; it smells great. Just buy it; you won’t regret it." —Twin33

    Get the original cleaning paste and multi-purpose spray from Amazon for $19.99.

    2. Zombie face masks since spooky season is certainly upon us — and what's more terrifying than a Halloween slasher movie? An incomplete skincare routine. These minimize enlarged pores and wrinkles so well, you might give yourself a fright with how incredible your new skin looks after just one use and 15 short minutes.

    reviewer showing the wrinkles and texture of the zombie face mask on their skin
    Reviewer's before and after and you can see that the mask has tightened their skin and reduced the appearance of lines on the forehead, around the eyes, and around the mouth

    Promising review: "I'm 27 and this is my second time purchasing these masks. I use these about once every other week or so. I have seen drastic improvements in my skin. After one use my skin was not nearly as dry and flaky. My face seemed a lot more supple and plump as well. After continued use, I have noticed my fine lines on my forehead are less noticeable and the overall texture of my skin is smoother compared to bumpy looking. I also noticed I don't look as tired even though I'm exhausted LOL. My uneven skin tone has improved and my face has brightened some. I live and work in the city and I think you can tell by my skin appearance but after using these my skin looks fresh, soft, and has a nice glow to it even after one use. I will continue to keep these masks stocked in my vanity." —Rachel

    Get a pack of eight from Amazon for $25.

    3. Light-dimming stickers because the annoying LEDs beaming from your TV, computer charger, and just about every power outlet in your bedroom have been keeping you up at night for the past 10 years. Huzzah! It's finally time to block them out once and for all.

    Reviewer image of blinding blue light coming from electrical device
    Another reviewer image with the light dimming tape over the light

    This game-changing pack comes in a variety of 100 peel-and-stick dimmers shaped to fit lights on most electrical appliances.

    Promising review: "Ingenious little idea. I suffer from migraines, so I know how a little LED light can irritate you in an otherwise pitch black room. This product does a great job of dimming those harsh LED indicators that EVERYTHING seems to have nowadays. They are neat, not unsightly." —Jarom A. Daszko

    Get them from Amazon for $2.89.

    4. A leave-in conditioning spray for curly hair to turn your little one's bed head into a bed full of fairytale-esque ringlets and curls. This stuff will gently detangle and restore their tresses, all without the use of harsh and nasty chemicals.

    Reviewer's child's messy hair before using the spray
    after with glossy, knot-free hair

    Reviewers say this spray will leave wavy or curly hair (from 2a–4c hair) shiny, soft, and bouncy. And it's free from parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic colors or dyes, propylene glycol, gluten, wheat, and nuts!

    Promising review: "This is the BEST product EVER! I will never use another hair detangler ever again. We use this product daily in my house, my daughter, my son, and I. Both of us girls have long and thick curly hair, and it allows us to brush through our hair with no problems! And my son mostly uses it to style his hair before gel, and because it smells so good! We tried a few products from Walmart, Ulta, and Target, and nothing was good enough. This is now on my Subscribe & Save every month!" —Tamira McLelland

    Get it from Amazon for $7.59.

    5. A four-pack of "flossing toothbrushes" (that are less than $5 a pop!), which feature soft, multi-layer bristles that are essentially like strong pieces of floss that reeeally reach between teeth, under the gum line, and deep into grooves where cavities and bacteria can breed.

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans that even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. 

    *Two* of my BuzzFeed Shopping colleagues have tried these — here's what one of our editors, Emma Lord, has to say: "I personally just bought this at the recommendation of BuzzFeeder Stephanie Hope, and love it just after the first few days of use! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively." 

    And here's what my other teammate, aka BuzzFeed Shopping's inside influencer, Stephanie Hope says: "Growing up, I was the absolute worst at flossing and brushing my teeth. It was so bad, I ended up developing periodontitis, which is inflammation of the gums caused by a build up of bacteria. It causes your gums to separate and recede from your teeth. It's pretty bad. Well, now I obviously go to the dentist regularly, but still struggle to floss my teeth as often as I should. These toothbrushes are such a game changer for me! The bristles at the tip are sooo tiny, I can literally feel them cleaning between my teeth. My gums get red easily if I don't floss enough, and ever since I started using this twice a day, they're no longer red! They look so healthy, and I truly feel like I'm actually getting a good cleaning, compared to other manual toothbrushes. It's gentle enough for my sensitive gums, but gets in deep to prevent plaque. I'm obsessed!" 

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $16.06+ (available in two color combinations). 

    6. An enzyme-based laundry stain remover to effectively break down immediate, heart-stopping stains or the dried-in schmutz that somehow landed on your favorite going-out top a week ago. This magic sauce also eliminates toe-curling odors, so yep, even those pit stains won't stand a chance against this stuff.

    Check out a TikTok of the laundry spray in action. 

    Puracy is a Texas-based, family-owned small business specializing in plant-based, chemical-free, hypoallergenic home products. And with every purchase made, a portion is donated to local families in need.

    My BuzzFeed Shopping colleague Emma Lord uses this and tells us: "This spray does a number on all those other miscellaneous stains in your life, like wine, coffee, soy sauce, makeup, and period blood! I recently bought this to test it for myself, and can attest to how well it works to get period blood out even after you've tried something else. I stained a pair of beloved bright-blue bike shorts in my sleep and tried to get it out with soap and water, but the stain was still there when it came out of the wash. I treated it with this, stuck it back in the wash, and BOOM, it's like it never happened (I panicked before I could get a before and after, please forgive me, laundry gods)."

    Promising review: "For whatever reason, I am ALWAYS spilling things on my shirts and I cook every night (sometimes I remember the apron, sometimes I don't). My clothes are a mess by the end of the day. I'm not proud of it, but there it is. I have tried EVERYTHING there is to remove stains and this is the absolute BEST thing out there. (There is simply not a major stain remover that I have not tried.) The only thing close is a long pre-soak (I mean like six hours) in Oxyclean. With Puracy, you get the best result by doing it well in advance, but for me that is another plus because I would far rather spray them when I put them in the hamper than do it all at once just before I do the laundry. It seems to get everything out and I've never had any trouble with damaged fabric. I don't really review very much, but this is seriously outstanding." —NYC Buyer

    Get it from Amazon for $7.49+ (available in two sizes).

    7. A sleep-focused essential-oils blend specifically made with snooze-inducing ingredients like chamomile, sage, and lavender that you can sprinkle in your diffuser. Because soothing you into a prolonged, full eight hours that reviewers call "the best sleep of their life"? Now that's no hoax.

    Promising review: "Bought this to help on days when I have bad insomnia due to anxiety, especially during this pandemic. Can't say I like the scent of the oil alone right off the bat. It's pretty strong so you only need a few drops in the humidifier. But the first night I used it I had the best sleep of my life! Was knocked out fast and woke up feeling super refreshed!! Definitely recommend this product. It lasts well too so it's worth the price!" —Wendy

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    Psst — if you don't have a diffuser, here's a popular, well-reviewed essential-oil diffuser.

    8. A CeraVe salicylic acid body wash so you can say "see ya!" to scabs left over from picking ingrowns and "au revoir!" to keratosis pilaris flare-ups. This exfoliates without the rough, physical microbeads and buffs away bumpy skin while smoothing — thanks to hyaluronic acid and niacinamide.

    Promising review: "My 6-year-old daughter has keratosis pilaris, commonly known as 'chicken skin.' This year it really flared up during warm weather so I gave this wash along with lotion a try. Wow, I saw results after just a few uses and after a couple of weeks most of her bumps disappeared. Thrilled we skipped a trip to the dermatologist! Can’t beat this price for the results either." —Ashley Steigerwald

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    9. A pup-approved ScratchPad reviewers are calling "a gift from heaven" because it saves you from the unpleasant task of having to chase your pooch around with clippers.

    Dog rubbing its nails on a pink board
    before and after showing a dog's nails filed down after one use of the ScratchPad
    ScratchPadforDogs / Etsy

    ScratchPadforDogs is a small biz based in Atlanta.

    Promising review: "My pittie struggled with getting his nails clipped after a bad grooming experience. With one use he’s already got it down and it’s made the process 100% easier. Fast shipping too." —Etsy Customer

    Get it from ScratchPadforDogs on Etsy for $39.91+ (available in two styles and three grit levels).

    10. A mini lint remover that works on most surfaces (think: carpets, clothes, blankets, sofas) and can be taken with you on the go. Pack it in a tote or toss it in your car, for a schmutz-free look wherever you go.

    wood handle with metal scraper
    huge ball of lint from rug

    Warning: Only use this for your sturdier stuff, because it's a strong little device and might put holes in your more delicate clothing.

    Check out the TikTok by @m.chandler_.

    Promising review: "This lint remover wasn’t confusing or bulky like some others. You just run it down your clothes to remove lint, hair, and fuzz, and it does its job! I was worried it would be sharp to the touch but it’s not, which is great if you have little kids. It’s easy to clean — you just pick it out with your fingers; it doesn’t get stuck." —JLemons

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    11. AirPod cleaners to clear out the gunk that's making your tunes sound more like creepy radio static and less like your upbeat jogging jams. Just squish the putty square into your AirPod speaker, peel off, and proceed to be amazed (read: horrified) at the debris that's been dulling your sound.

    reviewer's earphone caked with with wax and gunk
    reviewer's earphone after using the putty clean

    Promising review: "This is by far the most effective way of removing the magnetic dust from your case or any dust/wax from the mesh of the AirPods. This pack will also last you quite a while, so there’s no need to be frugal with how much you’re buying. Important note: If you wait too long to clean your AirPods, the magnetic dust eventually scratches deep into the case beyond what can be cleaned off. With this product, you can catch that dust early and prevent lasting damage to your AirPod case." —Jelani Nunes

    Get 12 from Amazon for $12.99+ (also available in packs of 24).

    12. Miracle-Gro food spikes your plant bb would honestly probably hug you for if it had arms. These work like a fertilizer you can pop in soil to give your potted child a whole new healthy life before your very eyes.

    Reviewer image of droopy plant before use of food spikes
    Reviewer image of plant alive after use of spikes

    Promising review: "So convenient and my plants looked amazing almost overnight! These are a MUST-have! So glad I bought these!" —Brandon Perry

    Get a pack of 48 from Amazon for $5.22.

    13. Elizavecca Collagen Protein Treatment (also known as the Olaplex dupe) to revive and repair locks that have endured multiple dye jobs, intense heat tools, or sun damage. AKA it's time to become reacquainted with your silkiest, shiniest, run-your-fingers-through-with-ease hair!

    Reviewer hair before and after two uses with much softer hair
    The Cer-100 bottle
    reviewer showing their 4C hair after using the treatment
    Bek O'Connell/ BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Promising reviews: "I’m obsessed with it!! I’ve never found a product that does so well with my hair. My hair is becoming straighter and less frizzy. It also feels more alive with shine. I’m definitely getting more of this. This is something that is must for your hair, especially if you color it. I swear by this! I used it for a week just to make sure it was as good as I thought. My hair just keeps getting better and better after each use!!" —Francisco Gamboa

    "I have 4c hair and was looking for a protein treatment for my thin and fragile hair. I had recently used a product that had so much alcohol in it that wreaked havoc on my hair, leaving it pretty damaged. I was very skeptical about this product because I have never seen anyone with my hair type use it. Boy was I wrong to doubt this product; it left my hair looking and feeling beautiful. I highly recommend it to anyone natural or with curly hair." —Therese-Claire

    Get it from Amazon for $7.77.

    If you're curious, here's the Olaplex Hair Perfector No. 3 Repairing Treatment on Amazon for $30.

    And check out our full review of the Elizavecca CER-100 collagen protein treatment.

    14. An itty-bitty toenail brace set that'll correct the natural curve of your nail that causes cringeworthy ingrown pain. Simply apply the strip to your toenail, and watch this lil' bb work its sorcery to straighten out the sides so pressure is *poof* eliminated and the new you can walk ache-free.

    The kit comes with 10 toenail braces and the materials needed to apply it, including a nail file, solvent, and cotton swabs.

    Promising review: "I never realized how curved my toenails were. I thought the pain I had was just normal and a fact of life. Only when I read about the Curve Correct product, did I realize that I had a major problem, and it could be resolved! Now I'm on the way to normal, flat toenails, that DON'T grow curved into my skin!" —Jamie H.

    Get the kit from Amazon for $44.99.

    15. A mold and mildew removal gel to banish grout grime and any spooky dark spots that fester along silicone caulk. Your bathroom surfaces will look ~boo-tiful~ once again after one overnight application. And before you say anything — nope, no tools required, and (thankfully) no more cheesy puns are included.

    mold in the corner of a shower floor and wall
    the same shower wall with the mold cleaned away

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping editor Kayla Suazo uses this and raves: "This mildew remover can destroy any stain in its path. When I moved into my apartment, it looked like there hadn't been repairs since the '60s, and that included re-caulking the bathtub. I tried bleach and every type of shower cleaner at the store, but nothing removed the mold and mildew stains that had been there for like, 40 years. UNTIL I BOUGHT THIS INCREDIBLE MAGIC GEL. I am one happy customer."

    Promising review: "I have scrubbed this caulk hundreds of times trying to clean it; it always stayed so gross. I decided to try this stuff and I am so glad I did!!! 10/10. I highly recommend you get this if you have any gross caulk. Follow the directions and it works like a charm. Some spots were a little wet, so I am going to redo a couple of spots, but I couldn't be happier!" —Reviewer

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    16. A set of itty-bitty dermaplaning razors so you can carefully take care of any unwanted peach fuzz + keep your eyebrows lookin' on fleek. The blades are designed with built-in guards that won't hurt your skin, plus they come with an extra attachment for salon-precise eyebrow shaping.

    Reviewer using the tool to dermaplane their face
    another reviewer before and after using the tool on their face

    Promising reviews: "I saw these on TikTok and was skeptical but they work so well. I use them for any facial peach fuzz and to shape my eyebrows and they're perfect." —Megan Kopicko

    "I bought these blades to try at-home dermaplaning. I was nervous at first, but it’s almost impossible to cut yourself with these and it took the peach fuzz right off my face. In fact, as I was staring at my face in a magnifying mirror and removing the fuzz, I noticed my nose hair was a little out of control. I even used one of these in my nose (that’s right) and it worked great! I will be keeping a few of these on-hand at all times." —TKB 

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $5.67.

    17. Some compression socks to comfortably keep your ankles and legs from ballooning and scaring the bejesus out of you on long-haul flights. Because let me tell you, having to squish swollen toes back into boots after some time in the air is no easy feet.

    Promising reviews: "With three weeks of international travel coming up, I purchased these to combat swelling in my feet during the flights. I had noticed swelling after three hour domestic flights, so I was worried about what almost 30k miles would do! I wore these on every leg of the trip and never noticed any swelling — even after the 10- to 15-hour flights. They are very comfortable, too!" —J. Beaty

    "Highly recommended. I am currently 8 months pregnant and wear these beauties every single day. I come home from work, take them off, wash them, and hang them to dry for the next day. I never knew how painful the swelling in my legs and feet could be until recently, and these socks were a complete game changer. I stand for over 9 hours a day at work, so I can't begin to explain how badly my legs and feet ached. I have a picture of what my feet looked like with (right) and without using the socks (left). The difference is tremendous!!" —OStocky

    Get them from Amazon for $16.76+ (available in sizes S–XL and in 13 colors).

    Check out our full review of these compression socks.

    18. A hard water stain remover that'll do all the dirty work for you to clean your surfaces that...*insert high-pitched scream* look like they belong in a Hitchcock flick. Think: stained toilets, murky shower heads, and yucky tubs now so super clear and shiny, you'll probably consider this stuff a masterpiece.

    Reviewer image of orange stained tub and shower walls
    same shower after completely clean

    It even has a minty scent, so you don't have to worry about that harsh chemical smell most cleaning products usually emit.

    Promising review: "I have tried for weeks to get rid of some very tough hard water stains on my glass shower panel. They had been there for three years while my apartment was rented and never cleaned. I have tried just about everything from toothpaste to vinegar to different types of chemical products. Then I found this product...PURE MAGIC!!! The nontoxicity of the product is definitely a plus, it doesn't smell bad and doesn't sting your lungs like some hard chemicals do. Its biodegradability is a plus! I feel better knowing I'm not dumping some more toxic chemicals down the drain. Most importantly, it works!!! After 10 minutes of work it has removed 90% of the hard water stains that simply would not come off in the past!!" —O.R

    Get it from Amazon for $17.77.

    19. A foot file so you can say, "Buh-bye!" to pricey pedis and reverse crusty feet epidermis back to its OG baby-soft state. If you want to let your hooves see the light of day, this miracle worker will gift you with brand-new skin that you'll be proud to parade around.

    A reviewer's dry calloused heel
    The same reviewer's heel looking smooth and callous-free after using the file

    Promising review: "AMAZING!!! Seriously beyond impressed with this product. I've never had dry or cracked heels until recently, and I've tried everything I could find to get rid of them. This is all you need!!! I literally opened the box and did this in less than a minute! I'll never use anything else! Even better than professional pedicures!!!" —Kyla Jackson

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

    20. An octopus-shaped blackhead-removing stick that's so cute it hurts — it's just a bonus that it's ridiculously good at removing excess sebum and exfoliating pores to yank out blackheads and whiteheads, too!

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Promising review: "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me; smells great too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt is visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, then I used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $11.52

    21. A set of bedsheet holders — the swoonworthy solution you've been looking for to hold crumpled sheets in place. And if your covers happen to have lost a couple of inches in the dryer, these'll make sure they don't creep around when you're trying to find your comfy, still spot.

    Each pack comes with four bands, which can stretch from 12 to 18 inches and hold adequate tension.

    Promising review: "Say goodbye to rearranging your fitted sheet every morning! My boyfriend sleeps like he’s rolling down a hill, so every morning I would wake up to the scratchy feel of my mattress cover because my soft silk fitted sheet was all over the place. Thanks to these bed bands, our sheets stay put no matter what. The only way for your fitted sheet to come off is if you manually remove these first. I wish I would have bought this so much sooner." —Khalysee

    Get a pack of four from Amazon for $12.99 (available in three colors and four pack sizes).

    22. The Honest Company conditioning detangler spray, which teams up with your brush or comb to tackle absurdly large tangles in a pinch. You can thank softening ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, and jojoba protein, plus the sweet scent of orange and vanilla, that'll make post-shower brushing feel like less of a nightmare and more like your very own dream sequence.

    reviewer with very knotted hair with the word
    same reviewer after with smoothed out, straight hair

    Yay, this is made for all hair types!

    Promising review: "The BEST detangler out there, and I have tried them all...even the expensive leave-in conditioners that say they detangle also. Bonus: Your hair smells like those orange/vanilla popsicles that are so good. I have long, thick hair and I use a wide-tooth comb after the shower. I spray this on all over and have zero trouble getting through my hair! So nice!" —Alyssa V

    Get it from Amazon for $6.49.

    23. Mighty Patch hydrocolloid pimple patches that effectively go on a hunt to draw out the pus and gunk that lives beneath your skin. So, if adult acne is still keeping you up at night, these are great to prevent picking and, according to one of our editors, are an effective treatment to avoid scarring and hyperpigmentation.

    reviewer with a number of pimple patches placed on their cheek
    same reviewer with pimple patches on their face and showing some of them filled with pus 7 to 8 hours later

    Melanie Aman, an editor on our Shopping team, tried these out and says: "These are hands down the best pimple patches I’ve ever used. Why? Because they actually work. I’ve tried some more cutesy patches that were great for Instagram photos but did nothing to shrink my breakouts. And the pimple patches that touted themselves as basically invisible were — but so were any results. While the Hero Cosmetics pimple patches are a little more visible (but really only noticeable if someone was standing really close to my face), the results are clear to see. (And JSYK, they also make an invisible version, but I have not tried it.)

    IMO they work best on whiteheads, drawing out the pus and preventing me from picking. Once all the fluids are drained (yum!), I plop a patch on what was once home to a very angry whitehead and replace it twice a day (once in the morning and once at night). In my experience, that has been the best treatment for preventing really noticeable hyperpigmentation and acne scarring, which my skin is really prone to after breakouts."

    Get 72 patches from Amazon for $21.99.

    You can take a look at the full review and see what other products the BuzzFeed shopping team are loving for more deets.  

    24. A sheet of stick-on sound dampeners so you don't have to worry about opening and closing kitchen cabinets quietly if you're a morning person and your roommate is a chronic snoozer.

    Reviewer image of the sheet of noise dampeners
    Another reviewer image with the dampener being used on a cabinet

    Promising review: "These work very well to dampen the sounds of my idiot roommates slamming cabinet doors at all hours of the day. Just make sure you're wiping down the part of the cabinet they'll stick to before applying them. The adhesive is good and should hold for a while." —LMA

    Get a sheet of 100 from Amazon for $6.88.

    25. A set of Wad-Free pads invented to make sheet-washing day a little more enjoyable. If you've ever pulled out a tangled mess of bedcovers clumped together with other (sopping) items, you're going to want to listen up: These time-savers clip onto the ends of sheets to ensure everything *stays separate* so you don't have to do multiple drying cycles.

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Wad-Free is a small biz that was launched during the pandemic. Cyndi, the founder, learned CAD (computer-aided design) to create the pads. And 5% of profits are donated to the American Brain Tumor Association.

    Promising review: "Wow!!! You wonder if things like this really work and well, I can absolutely confirm it does! First, I was impressed that the package came with two of the devices because I was only expecting one. So there was one for the fitted sheet, and one for the flat sheet. Finally, I tried it out, and my sheets not only did NOT wad up, they came out of the dryer feeling fresher, feeling more dry, and unwrinkled! I will be buying a set of these for each of my immediate family members and close friends! What a great gift!!!" —katy

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    26. A reusable Revlon oil-absorbing roller stick made with volcanic stone to tackle 4 p.m. T-zone shine and stop you from wasting $$$ on blotting sheets. Simply put, you can give your skin a quick roll with this sans white cast leftover from setting powder and with no extra makeup tools needed.

    Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller
    Reviewer using Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller

    Promising review: "This rolling device is like pure magic. You simply roll it around your oily areas, and BOOM — the oil magically vanishes into the ball never to be seen again! This is an item that #tiktokmademebuyit for sure! I saw a video on TikTok and immediately went on the hunt only to be disappointed that this item was sold out everywhere! I eventually got added to a waiting list here on Amazon, and once they had it in stock again, they charged my card and sent it my way! If you have the chance to purchase this and you have oily skin, get yourself on the waiting list if you need to, and just kick it until it shows up. You will be pleased. Thank me later." —Veronica Cooper

    Get it from Amazon for $11.47.

    27. A natural pumice-esque stone to remove pesky pills that seem to appear everywhere from your sweaters to your bedding — and even on your furniture. This'll erase any sign of fuzz balls, so you don't have to break up with your favorite layers.

    Maitland's worn pullover with the text
    the stone on top of the smooth-looking sweatshirt, with the text
    BuzzFeed/Maitland Quitmeyer

    This ingenious home good is made from upcycled car windshield glass.

    Celsious is a Black woman-owned business located in Brooklyn, New York. They specialize in creating eco-friendly laundry and cleaning products.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Maitland Quitmeyer loves this little tool! She said: "Like many of you, I've been living in sweats and PJs during this almost-year of WFH full time. And it's made me revisit the state of some of my loungewear. Take for example, this college sweatshirt I wear all the time — as evidenced by the rather EXTENSIVE pilling all over it. So when I saw this pumice-esque sweater stone (it's made from upcycled car windshield glass — how cool is that?!), I decided it was worth the try. We've featured electric pill removers (mostly the fan-favorite Conair one) many times, and they really work. But sometimes you're looking for a little more detail or control — that's where this stone comes in handy. I was able to navigate around the contours of the logo on my sweatshirt with ease, removing pills using the corner or the entire flat bottom in a few quick strokes. It truly took no time at all — the sweatshirt was done in mere minutes." Read more of her sweater pill remover review (#1).

    Get it from Celsious for $17.

    28. A Rub-A-Way odor remover — the ingenious soap-shaped bar that's made of attractive stainless steel to eradicate any lingering smell that comes from chopping up your least fave ingredients: garlic + onions. Rub your hands with this with or without water, so you can save yourself from hours of scrubbing your fingers until they're red and raw.

    Rub away odor remover on kitchen counter

    And it's dishwasher safe.

    Promising Review: "Hate the smell of garlic and onions on your hands even after multiple washings? This bar takes them away in seconds. I like that is shaped like a bar of soap (very cute in my soap tray). It's simple to use and comfortable in your hands. A couple of $$ cheaper would be nice but it works so I guess it was worth it. Whenever guests see it, they have to try it. They always ask me how it works. I tell them it's magic." —Kat K

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in three shapes).

    29. Fizzing toilet tablets that alleviate the need to arduously give your toilet a daily scrub down. Just plonk one of these scented tabs into your throne to give it a good cleanse, because gone are the days of you brushing through grimy rings (and whatever else is in there).

    Gif of a toilet tablet fizzing and dissolving
    before photo of a dirty toilet with hard water ring and stains
    the same toilet looking clean
    Melanie Aman / BuzzFeed

    Pardo Naturals is a Black-owned and woman-owned small business helmed by Rita Pardo, a mom who was looking for natural hair, body, and home products that wouldn't irritate her daughter's severe eczema.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Melanie Aman uses these and raves: "For all the folks who don't enjoy cleaning the toilet — myself included — these dissolving tablets make quick work of a grimy bowl. The tablets are a little hard to dislodge from the plastic container (although that does make me feel confident that they're secure during transit and won't break; mine all arrived intact!), but once you get one out, you drop it in the toilet and let it do its thing. It'll start fizzing — just like a bath bomb — loosening any stains and streaks in 10 minutes so they come away with a light brushing. I never let the toilet get too bad (and usually it takes awhile for me to notice any buildup since there are only two people in the apartment), so I can't vouch for them if you have really set-in hard water stains or haven't cleaned the commode in six months. But if you're looking to ditch the harsh cleansers in your toilet cleaning routine, this is a great addition to your lineup."

    Get six tablets from Pardo Naturals for $10.50 (available in seven scents).

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