19 Times ASOS Went Way, Way Too Far

    Crimes of fashion.

    1. When they gave the country what they were crying out for: Gogglebox socks.

    FYI ASOS have you covered if you want to buy anyone a really weird gift

    2. When they tried to sell you your old gym shorts.

    Asos are trying to sell my old school's PE shorts for £20 by calling them vintage 😂

    3. When they started selling flat cat handbags.

    😭 k I'm going now RT @ladysov: Errrr..was just browsing asos and see this LOL..worst bag ever..it's a flat cat?! #wtf

    4. When they offered up the Cara Delevingne look in the form of a hat.

    5. When they made a fashion statement out of religious headwear.

    6. When they started selling this super classy ~blazer~.

    The WTF blazer #ASOS. What do you think? http://t.co/IBvHdxRbLp

    7. The time they sold these holy shoes:

    8. And actually hired the J-Man himself.

    Remember this week that ASOS Jesus died for your fashion sins.

    9. When they did the impossible and made the onesie even more ridiculous.

    10. When they invented a new way of wearing a bumbag.

    Searching for a bumbag and come across this...wtf asos 😂

    11. When they had your Care Bear fashion needs covered.

    12. When wannabe superheroes finally had a place to shop.

    Just browsing asos and this happened wtf why 😂😂😂

    13. When the roadkill look was completely in vogue.

    WTF ?! Il y a vraiment des gens pour acheter ce truc ? #asos

    14. When guinea pig fans were given an outlet to share their rodent love.

    15. When they sold what was essentially lingerie for the eyes.

    16. When these £116 jeans came missing half their denim.

    These asos people are on a joking stuvvss £116 for what my little cousin would gladly tear for free edakun oh.

    17. When this was their definition of sexy.

    Back in stock on asos Babs @Archer_Samantha 😂😂😳wtf

    18. When they stocked a pendant large enough to actually crucify a small child.

    19. And finally when whatever the hell these things are hit their virtual shelves.