21 Instagram Accounts Guaranteed To Make You Smile

    Double tap your heart out.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us some of the Instagram accounts that help put a smile on their faces. Here are some of the responses.

    1. @woofandwalls

    2. @honeyandthehive

    3. @jesiiii

    4. @artsypeach

    5. @tasteofstreep

    6. @floraforager

    7. @uglyproduceisbeautiful

    8. @meringuegirls

    9. @dallasclayton

    10. @drakeoncake

    12. @benedettodemaio

    13. @bodyposipanda

    14. @fursty

    15. @teddytheshetland

    16. @dirka

    17. @itsdougthepug

    18. @sophievstheuniverse

    19. @juniperfoxx

    20. @literaryllama

    21. @cwpencilenterprise

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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