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    BREAKING: The Miami Heat Are Actually Dinosaurs

    And they've been waiting 75 million years for a chance at the NBA title.

    I present to you: The VeBoshiraptor

    VeBoshiraptor is latin for "swift seizer."

    more like swift SEIZURE.

    The VeBoshiraptor stalks his prey...

    But he sometimes prefers the element of surprise.

    The VeBoshiraptor schemes and hunts alongside the...


    Dribble that ball with your little hooved feet, LeBrontosaurus.

    Pass me the egg...


    But even LeBrontosaurus and the VeBoshiraptor need help when they're having a difficult time regulating their body temperatures in the midst of planetary climate change. That's why they have...


    D-Wadeitops chews ancient ferns for nourishment mid-game.

    Then there's...


    Hey girl, I might smash things with my head, but I'm also smooth.

    Look! Help descends from the skies!

    The Birdman

    Put the egg in the nest, Birdman!

    This guy did.

    Don't worry guys. Even if we don't win this series, we are still the Pangea conference champions.

    Yes, the Miami Heat are actually Dinosaurs...

    Because soon they'll be EXTINCT
