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People Shared Things That Have Happened To Them That Nobody Believed And Wow, This Is Pretty Creepy

Honestly, I want a TV show dedicated to the creepy stories of everyday people.

Has something ever happened to you that was so wild, even YOU couldn't believe it? Like, next-level Final Destination wild?!

Well, when Reddit user KindaDepressive asked, "What experience of yours is so crazy, you don't tell people about it because they wouldn't believe you?" I just needed to know what y'all have gone through. Here are some of the weirdest responses:

1. This unsolved medical case:

"I used to sweat blue for a few months. My clothes, nails, and phone cover all got stained blue. It went away after a while on its own, which was good because the doctors couldn’t figure it out."


2. This unexpected hero:

"I was on a train that had one of those chains you pull in case of an emergency. If you pull it for no reason, you can face up to two years in prison, plus receive a huge fine. So I was sitting, and when I decided to get up to go to the washroom, I was kind of stuck, so I used the nearest thing to help me get up and I pulled the chain. The train stopped immediately and I figured I was going to prison. Suddenly people started running out of the train and I realized that a compartment of the train was on fire. So that's how I survived going to prison and accidentally saved the train. I told this story to a friend but he would not believe me, so I just let it go."


3. This food magic trick:

"Once, I opened the fridge and a jar of mustard came falling down. It hit the ground and I already thought, Great, now I have to clean all of it up, but I didn’t hear it hit the ground. When I looked down, there was nothing there. No glass shards, mustard, nothing. Looked around for a good five minutes, questioning my reality. Turns out it kinda rappelled off the ground and landed in the wine shelf. Upright. It straight-up did a bottle flip off the floor. Still questioning the laws of physics to this date."


4. This Final Destination experience:

"When I was younger, I worked at a popular theme park in the UK as a ride assistant. One of the rides I worked on was the River Rapids. Two young lads who had obviously been drinking got on, and it was clear they were going to be a pain. As their raft came towards the end, they were both running around the outside of it. The raft hit the wall and they both fell in. I ran down and, God knows how, managed to pull them both out. They were both swiftly escorted to the medical centre and, I'm assuming, off the park. The same day, on my way home I followed a car that was swerving all over the place. The car hit a curb and flipped onto its roof. I stopped my car, ran across, yanked the doors open, and pulled both the occupants out. It was the same two lads I'd pulled out of the water at work earlier in the day."


5. This bird reconciliation:

"I like watching wild birds at my job. I watched a young magpie steal bread from a raven. The magpie's family then attacked the young magpie, took the bread away, and gave it back to the raven. They were bird-yelling at the young bird. Then they called to the young magpie and forced it to the front of the pack to the raven. The adult magpies gently pecked at the young magpie until it sang at the raven. Then the magpies all waddled away and went back to hunting for bugs. I feel like I watched some sort of family magpie discipline to prevent an interspecies bird war."


6. This crabby experience:

"Once, when I was a child, I was climbing out of the bathtub after showering and ended up tripping over the edge of the bathtub and face-planted onto the ground, where I just laid there kinda comatose for a second. We were at a seaside resort, so as I tried to get up — blood flowing down my face from a cut in my head and my nose — a bucket of crabs nearby toppled over and jumped all over me. I bled from my nose for three hours after being rescued from the crabs and got sent to hospital. My family refuses to acknowledge it ever happened, even though I have a hospital bracelet with that date."


7. This stick(y) situation:

"I was 12 years old and playing with my dog in the backyard. He suddenly stopped and just looked at my leg. Apparently, there was a piece of wood in my leg that was ~8 cm long and at a 90-degree angle in my leg. It didn't hurt and I didn't feel anything. To this day I'm wondering how this stick found its way into my leg."


8. The case of the missing sandwich:

"One time after school, I was emptying my bag on my bed. I had a sandwich wrapped in cling wrap from lunch that I didn't eat. I dropped the sandwich on the floor and I went to pick it up. I couldn't find it anywhere. I checked under my bed, in my bag, all over the floor, and under any items. I never found that sandwich."


9. This...well, you just gotta read it yourself:

"Once, as a landlord, I had to break up an 18-person orgy. We had noise complaints, which were common, but I went to the room to check, and things were odd. They would barely open the door to speak to me, they had the weirdest assembly of clothing on, and there was this weird, salty-smelling fog in the room. For documentation's sake, I had to have them sign my report, and they said, 'Do you want all of us to sign?' They turned on the lights, and in the middle of the floor was a giant pile of naked ass. We are talking every gender, every position, a clown, a midget, a toilet seat, all in one big pile, gyrating. I looked up at the TV and they had a gigantic 80-plus-inch playing the most explicit porn I've ever seen. I had to shut down the party because the buildings were shit and there was an occupancy limit in each room. All at once, 15 angry people got up and started storming out of the room in various degrees of nakedness."


10. This Robert Pattinson experience we can neither confirm nor deny:

"When I was a teenager, I almost got run over by Robert Pattinson in my hometown. It’s a smaller city between Bruges and Ghent. He was driving a Mercedes, probably on his way from Brussels to the hotel he was staying in on the coast. I’m 100% sure it was him because he was also in Brussels for a premiere for the latest Twilight movie at the time."


11. This drug lord experience:

"When I was 10 years old, I was walking my dog down the street with my father. My dog took a piss on the car wheel of a Mercedes-Benz. A couple minutes later, that exact Mercedes-Benz drove past us and then U-turned around and slowly drove past us again. The driver opened his window and started shouting at us. As soon as we got back on our street, we saw the man walking towards us, and he had pulled out a gun. He aimed it at us and shouted, 'YOUR DOG PEE MY WHEEL!' over and over again. Of course my dad got very angry and shouted back at him, 'DO YOU THINK THIS IS THE FUCKING WILD WEST!?!' He then started shooting at us, so my dad sprinted at him and managed to tackle him to the ground. I went and got my mother, and we called the police. The police came and took the guy away, and we found out that he was a big Chinese drug dealer in the area. So this is basically the story of how my dad took down a Chinese gangster whilst unarmed."


12. This time swap that's like déjà vu but not really:

"On my first day of school, I had a sudden feeling that I already knew everyone. That kind of feeling you get when you've been there for a while, but it wasn't déjà vu. It didn't make any sense, as it was the first day of school and I knew that I didn't know any of these other kids. Then the feeling went away as I questioned it and I shrugged it off. During the last week of school, in the same class, I mildly panicked because the feeling happened again, but this time I felt like I didn't know anyone, as if it was the first day again. I think I experienced a time swap."


13. This sleep paralysis experience:

"When I was 21, I kept having sleep paralysis episodes that seemed SO real. The hallucinations, the panic, everything was very much real and right in front of me. My neighbor, who heard about this happening to me from my mother, had me call this guy she knew who was a guru of paranormal experiences. He basically told me to simply go through my room and, every day before going to bed, tell whatever it was that was causing these episodes that it wasn't welcome and to go away. So one night I woke up and noticed that I couldn't move. These two beings were in my room talking to each other in this strange form of language. Still not convinced it wasn't just a wild hallucination, but definitely a weird and interesting experience nonetheless, especially with how that experience hasn't ever happened to me since that night."


14. This...assassination attempt (?):

"I was playing with snow on the top of my building, and then I heard a bullet pass next to me, so I froze. Then I heard a gunshot from far away, and right after that, a bullet hit the glass behind me. I realized it was a sniper, and I didn't know if he was really aiming for me or not. I went down and told my mother, but she didn't believe me and didn't care that much."


15. This 12-hour memory lapse:

"One night I was coming back from a friend's house. It was 7 p.m. when I left, and after a 20-minute walk I arrived home. The weird part is, I got home at 7 the next morning. The only reason I noticed something was off was that when I got home, my dad was leaving for work and asked me why I had returned so early in the morning. Completely confused, I asked what he meant and he showed me his watch. He said we had spoken at 10 the night before and I had told him that I would be staying at my friend's house until I came home. My friend confirmed time of departure, and my dad confirmed time of arrival. This left me with a 12-hour gap in which I have no idea what I was doing and where I was. Still gives me the chills trying to understand how something like this could happen."


16. And last, this shitty situation:

"My boyfriend's dog ate a pound and a half of chocolate rum balls our house guests had purchased and left in their room while we went out for breakfast. We came home to find a very drunken, very sick corgi, and more poop and vomit than a dog that size should even be able to produce. Meanwhile, I realized that smell wasn't all just from the dog, but buckets of sewage water that had backed up out of both toilets and spilled into our home.

"So there are our horrified guests, profusely apologizing and gagging. They had to leave to catch a plane, and my boyfriend had to leave so he could get the dog's stomach pumped. So there I was, two bathrooms full of human waste and a living room full of dog shit and vomit. I cleaned it ALL up alone. That night, I settle in for bed and fall fast asleep, just happy that the day is over. Around 6 a.m., I am suddenly jarred awake by the sound of an incredibly wet fart, followed by a putrid smell. I slowly become aware that there is now a puddle of diarrhea less than 6 inches from my face. Turns out my Chihuahua, who occasionally has bouts of stomach issues, had crawled into my bed and then proceeded to get sick RIGHT NEXT TO MY FACE!"


Has anything really strange ever happened to you that you knew nobody would believe? Tell us in the comments below!

Some entries have been edited for length and/or clarity.