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    10 Video Game Characters That Will Definitely Get You Pregnant

    If fawning over virtual pecs is wrong, I don't want to be right.

    10. You'll pine for a sweet embrace from the insane biceps on the Tekken 7 roster.

    9. You'll let your heart get broken over and over by the original fuck boi in Uncharted 4.

    8. You can immerse yourself in Ethan's towel-free attitude in Heavy Rain.

    7. Your elf-dwarf fantasies will come true in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

    6. Or you can feel that alien sci-fi thirst in Mass Effect 3.

    5. You'll be completely dehydrated by Street Fighter V.

    4. Geralt from The Witcher 3 will be your shirtless oasis in a desert of virtual clothes.

    3. You'll intensify your dad thirst with Joel from The Last of Us.

    2. Start off with the hunk that is Dante from Devil May Cry.

    1. Or, literally, just play anything w/ Sonic. ~*swoon*~