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What’s A Movie Inconsistency That Took A Little While To Notice, But Now Haunts You?

I could rant for half a day about Cinderella's glass slipper.

Loving movies is a solid 70% of my personality. But sometimes there are inconsistencies in movies that you just can't not address. Like Chad being all "I don't dance" in High School Musical 2...and doing a full song-and-dance number about it.

Chad sings, "I don't dance" and then he participates in a huge choreographed number

So what's a movie inconsistency that really gets on your nerves?

Maybe Edward Cullen's ability to — as the classy people say — get it up, despite the vampire's lack of blood, makes you close your eyes in frustration.

Edward is doing the thing while having a blood-less body, and umm what how

Or maybe the simple fact that Damian's popcorn bowl refills in Mean Girls drives you up the wall.

Damian and Janis scream and Damian's popcorn goes everywhere, Cady says, "She took him back, Regina took Aaron back" and in the next shot of Damian his popcorn bowl is full again

Or maybe, you know, Cinderella's shoe falling off even though it's famously a perfect fit makes you want to scream into a ravine.

Cinderella is walking down the stairs and her glass slipper falls off, even though it's supposed to fit perfectly

Let me know the movie inconsistency that annoys you and why in the comments below! Some of the responses will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.