I Just Had These 53 Thoughts While Watching "Loki" Episode 4 As A Casual Marvel Fan

    18. Mobius's face is like, "Come on dude, are you seriously attracted to yourself?"

    Hi there. Welcome to week four of my thoughts while watching Loki as an ill-informed, fairly new Marvel fan.

    Let's get into Episode 4, "The Nexus Event."

    1. Assgard! LOL, that cannot be how it's spelled. I'm going with it, though. (I know I've spelled it correctly before, but apparently I don't have it in me right now.)

    A city in Asgard

    15. Lovely shot of Sylvie and Loki looking at the incoming doom.

    Sylvie and Looki looking up at the meteors coming for them

    30. Love that the TVA officers let Loki get his little speech out to Mobius.

    Loki says, "You know, of all the liars in this place, and there are a great many, you're the biggest," Mobius asks, "Why, 'cause I lied about your girlfriend," and Loki says, "Oh no, that I can respect, I mean the lies you tell yourself"

    45. What a way to break the cool of the show.

    One of the TIme-Keepers

    That's it for Episode 4! What a great episode. I think the premiere is still my favorite so far, but this was awesome.

    See you next week, Jo Bros.