21 Times Sue Perkins Was The Funniest Woman Alive

    "OK bakers, just 30 minutes left before Mary Berry descends on you like a septuagenarian velociraptor."

    1. When she perfectly summed up every single Shakespearean play.

    2. When she revealed her excellent party trick.

    3. When she was literally all of us at a buffet.

    4. When she introduced the New World Order.

    5. When she invented this one simple trick to make your skin look twenty years younger.

    6. When she was hilariously rude about Mary Berry.

    7. And even ruder about Josh Widdecombe's face.

    8. When she came up with some truly excellent wedding cake icing design ideas.

    9. When she proved she could dish out compliments as well as insults.

    10. When she "helped" Nadiya.

    11. When she really nailed this impression of a moose on the pull.

    "Are you a parking ticket, cos you've got fine written all over you-ooooh!"

    12. When she demanded the fruits of all the GBBO bakers' labours.

    13. And when she stole all the crème brûlée.

    14. When she made her feelings about Paul's perfectionism perfectly clear.

    15. When she shared this very important top tip.

    16. When she couldn't maths.

    17. When there was absolutely no excuse for this.

    18. Or this.

    19. And definitely not this.

    20. When she did this to Mel's face.

    21. And, best of all, when she called Donald Trump a "weapons-grade plum."

    We love you, Sue Perkins.