This Is Why Lots Of Scottish People Hate Donald Trump

    Ever wondered why they keep calling him a c*nt? Read on.

    So, you may have noticed that whenever Donald Trump visits Scotland, he gets a bit of a negative reception.

    People rubbing balloons on his hair, calling him a cunt and a bawbag, mercilessly trolling him on Twitter. That sort of thing. It's been going on for years, way before he became president. So, what's up?

    It started in 2006 when Trump decided to buy an estate in Aberdeenshire and turn it into a golf resort. But there were some sand dunes standing in his way.

    Unsurprisingly, Trump didn't agree that the dunes were worth saving (calling them "desolate"). He also said his resort would create 6,000 jobs in the area.

    Now, meet Michael Forbes: Aberdeenshire farmer, jumper-wearer, and view-spoiler.

    So around 100 local residents got together and formed an organisation called "Tripping Up Trump".

    Tripping Up Trump's mission is to protect local residents from falling victim to compulsory purchase orders and eviction by buying up parcels of land adjacent to Trump's Menie Estate and adding additional names to the land deeds.

    There's also this whole sub-plot about a proposed wind farm that's just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

    Oh, remember the 6,000 jobs Trump promised? Guess how many jobs the resort has actually created.

    So that, in a nutshell, is why Scottish people have hated Donald Trump since before it was cool.

    And why they will probably continue to rub balloons on his head, call him a roaster, and have the best protest signs in the business.